Czech expert: Russia lags behind the United States and China in the cosmic race


China was actively involved in the cosmic race, creating its own grouping of satellites for various purposes.

Recently, the Czech press shows an interest in the currently existing space programs. So, the browser Karel Sgorik notes that China is actively involved in the cosmic race, creating its own grouping of satellites for various purposes. And if two or three dozen years ago, Chinese successes in the conquest of cosmos looked, to put it mildly, modestly, then the PRC now becomes one of the leaders in this direction. Reports "Military Review".

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The call, noting the success of a number of American space programs, does not forget to mention Ilona Mask projects. He believes that when Joe Biden, NASA projects can be somewhat shortened. According to the Czech expert, "Biden is a more mundane president than Donald Trump." This, most likely, will try to take advantage of China, having every chance to turn into a leader on the development of space.

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Against the background of these events, the call notes, Russia has lost its advantage in space. In recent years, numerous statements unsupported by any actions in this direction are only heard from Russian officials responsible for the space program. In particular, it is indicated for the transfer of the implementation of the Russian Space Program "Luna-Glob" and on the incompleteness of projects on the cosmodrome "East".

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"They will pronounce projects, including the project of sending a spacecraft in Venus, a project of commercial flights to the ISS, but while the Russian Space Program is in an obvious crisis. Russia is playing in a space race ",

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The call, emphasizes the fact that Russia does not have a clear certain goal to which it should strive. However, adds as the European Space Agency, at the moment, not everything is smoothly with the realization of space programs. Many of the space projects are canceled or transferred to their implementation.

Earlier it was reported that the Soyuz-2.1B carrier rocket successfully brought a satellite of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to orbit.

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