36 doctors saved the life of 6-year-old Ugra

36 doctors saved the life of 6-year-old Ugra 12485_1
36 doctors saved the life of 6-year-old Ugra

Ugra doctors conducted a unique operation and saved the life of a 6-year-old girl. The child has a rare abnormal vessels. In addition, severe bleeding in the esophagus happened. It was able to stop it thanks to the coordinated work of the team of three regional clinics. To help the child it took special equipment. Therefore, the girl was transported to the X-ray mercury department of the Nizhnevartovsky district hospital.

There were no such experience in the doctors of our region. The case is not just complicated. At first, due to a heavy state, the girl could not even translate to a survey to another branch. Specialists of the Nizhnevartovsk district children's clinical hospital managed to temporarily stop bleeding. What to do next, they solved together with experts from Moscow and Surgut.

Irina Nazarova, head of the Surgical Department of the Nizhnevartovsk OKDB: "Specialists from Moscow have agreed to fly to us and try to stop bleeding with us. But they said that in this situation it is necessary to perform an endovascular stop, that is, with the help of x-ray-surgical methods of treatment. " An angiograph was required for intrascript vascular operation. A year ago, the newest apparatus appeared in the Nizhnevartovsk district clinical hospital. After the girl was transported there, the doctors managed to find a source of bleeding. Stanislav Pelevin, Head of the X-ray Surgical Department of the Nizhnevartovskaya OKB: "The hidden access to the vascular system of the arterial child, installed special catheters. They started the contrast there to punish and see all the vascular anatomy. " For the life of the girl at the same time fought 36 physicians: resuscitation, anesthesiologists, surgeons. Two Cardiac surgeons from Surgut arrived at the help of colleagues. The operation lasted 5 hours. Vasily Kuchechnaya, head of the branch of the anesthesiology and resuscitation of Nizhnevartovskaya OKDB: "The brigade of resuscitomators-anesthesiologists worked in a coherent pace. The blood infusion was carried out in manual mode, because the equipment did not cope. When the main work was performed, bleeding was stopped, the child was stabilized. " Through a puncture in the artery, the doctors set stent grafts, thin self-invalid tubes that stopped bleeding. Then endoscopists left the clip to consolidate the result. Mikhail Ryzhikov, Head of the endoscopic department of Nizhnevartovskaya OKB: "decided to conduct a two-stage operation. At first, our colleagues were touched by this vessel from the inside. Then, when the intensity of bleeding declined, we could endoscopically to reliably chat so that there was no relapse. " The clip will reliably hold the place of gap for three months - until full healing. Now the girl is in the intensive care of the Nizhnevartovsk district children's clinical hospital. Doctors estimate her condition as stable. The child's life is not threatened.

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