Natural phosformobilizers for winter

Natural phosformobilizers for winter 12461_1

An important stage in the technology of growing winter crops is the resumption of vegetation after overcoming. The peculiarity of this period is that with the early beginning of the renewal of the growing season, the development of winter crops occurs in conditions of cool weather and a short light day, which causes the need for sufficient cultures with the main elements of food, both macro and microelements.

The holding of the wounds of grain spikes on undercurrent and spelled crops makes it possible to increase productive adhesive, and on well developed to increase the productivity of the spike. For the increase in the vegetative mass of winter rapese, which is formed in the first weeks after the resumption of vegetation, it is necessary to provide a culture with the necessary amount of nitrogen in order to increase the crop increment.

As for phosphoric and potash fertilizers, they are usually brought before sowing, in the fall. However, in the past two decades, their introduction, compared with nitrogen, decreased significantly. It should also be noted that the problem of phosphate and potash nutrition of plants is that the gross reserves of these elements in most soils are very significant, but the share of available forms does not always satisfy the needs of plants.

The provision of plants by moving phosphorus and potassium compounds can be improved by applying the cultivation of crops of phosphorus and potassymobilizing bacterial preparations in the technology of growing agricultural crops. So, for the wounded feeding of winter rapeseed and winter grain crops, it is recommended to use biocomplex-BTU Grandfix.

Grandfix - biological preparation manufactured by the BTU-Center company, which includes a Bacillus subtilis bacteria complex, Bacillus Megaterium Var. Phosphaticum, Azotobacter Chroococcum, Enterobacter Sp., Paenibacillus Polymyxa with a total number of viable cells (0.5 - 1.5) × 109 CU / cm3, which are producers of enzymes, vitamins, phytohormones, amino acids and other physiologically active substances.

The action of the grappix is ​​aimed at improving accessibility and mobility in the soil of phosphorus and exchange potassium, as well as an increase in various forms of nitrogen in the soil; increasing the utilization factor of nutrient elements from fertilizers 1.2-1.5 times; promoting free admission to silicon plants; Improving the biological activity of the soil, the improvement of the soil, and also there is a positive follow-up to the following culture.

It is possible to use the grained biological preparation in the following ways: under the main and pre-sowing treatment of the soil, in a row when cropping, as well as in the ranu.

On the compatibility of CAS with bacteria grained

In the laboratory conditions, a study was conducted on the possibility of joint introduction of a grained grained and CAS biopreparation, namely the influence of nitrogen fertilizer on the viability of bacteria for 2 and 4 hours. Control served sterile tap water (Table 1).

Table 1. The effect of carbamide-ammonia mixture (CAS) on the viability of the microorganisms of the biopreparation of grained

Natural phosformobilizers for winter 12461_2

In all embodiments, the degree of biopreparation titer with the addition of CAS has not been reduced compared to the control. The results indicate that the grained is possible to use together with the carbamide-ammonia mixture (CAS).

During 2017-2020. Production studies of the joint introduction of the Grandfix biopreparation with CAS in the crops of winter rapeseed rapeseed with the norm of 5 l / ha and winter grain crops with the norm - 3 l / ha. Studies were carried out at various predecessors, soil types and pH (Table 2).

Table. 2. Conditions for conducting research with gradfix biopreparation

Although the weather conditions during the research years were different, but the main laws of the action of the grained gradfix biological preparation on the agrochemical indicators of the soil and the productivity of crops were preserved.

On the crops of the rape of winter, with an early spring of grappix 5 l / ha cas, an increase in yield was obtained from 3.31 to 5.0 c / ha (Fig. 1). An increase in the yield of culture was due to an increase in the number of seeds in the pod and the mass of 1000 seeds.

When on winter grain cultures of the biological preparation of grained 3 l / hectare from CAS, depending on the technology adopted in the economy, an increase in winter wheat was obtained from 1.9 to 5.3 c / ha, Zimo - 2.2 C / ha.

Fig. 1. The yield of the rape of winter and winter grain crops

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Results of agrochemical soil analysis

To monitor the increase in the number of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium after the use of the grained gradfix biological preparation, soil selection was carried out for agrochemical and microbiological analysis. As the results of the agrochemical analysis of the soil showed, on embodiments with the introduction of grained, there was an increase in the movable forms of phosphorus or its degree of mobility on the crops of winter rapeseed and winter wheat during different types of soil sampling (Table 3). The growth of movable phosphorus forms, depending on the type of soil and the phase of the development of culture, was from 8.8 to 41.4%. The degree of mobility of phosphorus increased on all types of soil. The amount of rolling potassium increased by 6.3 - 20%. The degree of mobility of exchange potassium also increased almost all types of soil.

It should be noted that in some studies there was a decrease in the number of mobile phosphorus and potassium forms associated with increasing yields and the corresponding increase in the removal of nutrient elements with the main products.

Table. 3. Results of agrochemical analysis of the soil

Effect on the biological activity of the soil

To determine the effect of the grappix on the biological activity of the soil, mushrooms were isolated from soil samples into pure cultures and determining the species composition according to generally accepted techniques (Table 4).

Table. 4. The results of the micetological analysis of the soil

According to the results of mycological analysis of the soil, there is an increase in the number of saprotrophic species in areas with grappix. That is, microorganisms, which are part of the grained grappix biological preparation, are actively competing with pathogenic types of habitat in the soil, which has a positive effect on the growth and development of cultures. The number of saprotrophic species of microorganisms on the squares with the introduction of the grained gradfix biopreparation increased by 4.1-41.0%.

Economic component of phosformobilizer

The costs of making grained in production studies in accordance with the norm is 13.53 and $ 22.54 / ha. When calculating the obtained conditionally net profit, the price was taken by 08.08.2020. For 1 tons of winter rapeseed - 432.84 $ and winter wheat - 201.99 $. Thus, the obtained conditional profit from the use of the grained gradfix biological preparation on rapeseed with oxome ranges from 117.12 to 190.27 / hectare, on wheat winter from 23.05 to 89.92 $ / ha.

Consequently, the introduction of winter rapeseed and winter grain crops of the grained grain prepares from the CAS increases the availability of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium, the effectiveness of the use of fertilizers and the productivity of cultures.

O.V. Schorgun, Cand. S.-X Science, BTU-Center

D.V. Litvinov, d. S.-X Sciences, Nubip

Official representatives of the company BTU Center:

In Russia: Company Obolik Line

In Kazakhstan: Albi Company Company

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