Games that can no longer play


Most video games and consoles gradually disappear from the market, but some companies recognize the timeless of individual creations. With remakes, remaster and ports developers transfer old games to new systems. It pleases the fans and makes games available for a new audience, allowing new generations of gamers to enjoy the classic games.

Regardless of whether the companies will cease to re-release these games or forever close online access to them, the gaming community will lose much without them. Here are just some games that, despite their popularity, more alas are not available.

Halo 2 (Online)

Most Halo fans consider the second part of the greatest game series. Although the campaign at one time caused an ambiguous reaction, critics and fans really liked the multiplayer regime. Halo 2 asked for the development of online shooters due to the rapid selection of players, stunning levels and fascinating formats.

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Microsoft closed Xbox LIVE in April 2010, but the fans loved Halo 2 too much to allow her to die. After turning out before shutting down and does not turn off the Xbox, the fans supported Halo 2 for a month until the last player has been removed from the server.

Today it is possible to play the updated version of the online mode of Halo 2 in Halo 2 Anniversary, but this is not something: technical problems, poor selection of players and modified graphics make Halo 2 Anniversary with a completely different game.

Marvel VS. Capcom 2: NEW AGE OF HEROES

Until 1996, the MARVEL and Capcom combination seemed a very strange combination, but Capcom managed to magically combine characters of their video games and Marvel comic characters into a single franchise crossover. Combining several game series from Capcom (such as Street Fighter and Mega Man), Marvel characters (such as X-and-Avengers) and several original characters, Marvel VS. Capcom 2 filled out a simple gameplay structure by an infinite fan source. In the Fighting format, two commands fight against each other. To control each party can either player or ai-opponent, or two competing players.

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Although Marvel VS. Capcom 2 had the same high rating as its sequel, it was this part that dominated the market much more than its successors. Released as a game for arcade machines in 2000, Marvel VS. Capcom 2 gradually moved to Dreamcast, Xbox, Xbox 360, PS2, PS3, and even on iOS devices.

The project was finally died in 2013, when Capcom refused to port him to new systems and deleted from all online stores.


Since p.t. It was, in fact, demo, and not a full-fledged game, it was available on the market limited time. Everybody really liked the game and everyone was waiting for a full release of Silent Hills, but Konami decided otherwise.

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If Silent Hills included P.T. Or something half is as terrible as P.T., the project would simply be revolutionary. The demo version was placed players in the L-shaped corridor, which never ends: every time, entering the door at the end of the hall, the player returned to the beginning of the corridor. Forcing the players once at once to wander around the terrible changing corridor, in which bloodthirsty ghost was sometimes waiting for the corner, P.T. Rugged gamers by their own imagination.

P.T. It became so popular in a short period of its existence that the PS4 consoles with the installed demoment are now sold for hundreds of dollars.

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