Samsung and Tesla prepare a 5-nm chip for unmanned cars. ICAR, move!


I do not know how you, and I are skeptical about the release of autonomous cars. Let it be convenient, but for the delivery of a person from one place to another without his participation you can come up with something else, and the oldskal car romance can just die. Great to get behind the wheel and drive a few hundred kilometers on a good road? However, now is not about that. Let modern technologies gradually and lead to user failure from cars that need to be controlled, and then at all to their ban, but such developments cannot stop. Now it became known that the partner of the famous Tesla in creating autonomous cars will be Samsung. It is this South Korean company that will produce 5-nm chips for unmanned cars of the future.

Samsung and Tesla prepare a 5-nm chip for unmanned cars. ICAR, move! 12412_1
Tesla Model 3.

Who makes cars with autopilot

A number of IT giants and autoprome representatives make every effort so that autonomous driving has become a reality. We see the efforts of such companies as Apple, Google, Uber, Tesla and many others. Even Alibaba turned on in the process. I told about it for a long time on the pages of the site We often write about electric cars and other scientific achievements. If you want to be aware, subscribe to the Telegram channel

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There are many disputes with respect to this new technology. At the moment, it is necessary to solve several problems before projects become viable. As for automakers, TESLA is a leading company in this industry, since it already provides an autonomous driving mode for some of its cars. Of course, they have certain limitations and they are not completely unmanned cars, but progress on face. Now the company seems to want to enter a fully autonomous mode and counts in this Samsung so that it becomes possible.

Samsung and Tesla prepare a 5-nm chip for unmanned cars. ICAR, move! 12412_2
Tesla has long been the name of the world in the world of electric vehicles. Now she will take the same place among autonomous cars.

New autopilot Tesla

According to available data, TESLA is developing the next generation of its HW4 equipment. It can be used in the new fully autonomous driving of 4D FSD (four-dimensional fully autonomous driving), which is currently being developed. Apparently, the automaker will work with Samsung over the creation of new chips for such cars. In addition to cameras and other equipment that collects data on the road environment, more and large computing power is needed to process a huge data stream.

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According to the new information, the TESLA developer team worms hard to develop a more complex structure of artificial intelligence. It will provide her cars with the possibility of fully autonomous driving. The South Korean Media Asia E reported that Samsung is currently developing a 5-nm chip that provides computing power for artificial intelligence of Tesla unmanned cars.

5 Nm is the most advanced standard that is currently present in the market. This will determine the path for companies in the following years, since the 3-nm technology can become a reality only by 2023. However, just a few companies have the opportunity to work with 5-nm standards, and Samsung is one of them.

Samsung and Tesla prepare a 5-nm chip for unmanned cars. ICAR, move! 12412_3
Samsung has enough engineers and developments to make good chips for Tesla.

Samsung makes chips for Tesla

Currently, Samsung supplies 14-nm chips for Tesla, but cooperation must be expanded, and technology update. The information and entertainment system of the car uses various chips, such as video processors, a neural network processors (NPUs), integrated safety schemes and much more. But the most important thing is a system that processes information from sensors and communication systems in the car to ensure fully autonomous driving. Since Tesla plans to upgrade its installation, Samsung focuses its development in this direction.

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Samsung believes that the company has the opportunity to put the process of transition to 7-nm chips and immediately start working with 5-nm. If the company succeeds in doing this, the brand can enter into an agreement of supply with TESLA and become not just a manufacturer of electronics, but also a real creator of the future.

Samsung and Tesla prepare a 5-nm chip for unmanned cars. ICAR, move! 12412_4
Soon cars ride themselves, and we will become passengers all.

Why samsung makes autopilot

It will also have a positive effect on the development of another Samsung technology - from activity trackers to flagship smartphones and laptops. One of the important advantages will not only increase productivity, but also very high reliability. In cars there is no place for freezes and failures.

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And also, as a bonus for the company's management, it will bring good money directly to the contract and at an increase in the company's value, which will accurately occur if Samsung can cope with the task.

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