Sadim silent blackberry in his garden


    Good afternoon, my reader. The silent blackberry does not have thorns, and the berries is larger than the usual. In addition, due to its magnitude, the berries do not impenet so quickly. They retain their shape longer. Grow shattered blackberry is easy. The main thing is to create suitable conditions for it. It is important to plant a shrub in a sunny place, water and feed it. The land must be loose, wet. Extra branches can be trimmed. In order for the blackberry did not lie on Earth, install special trellis. In winter, the shrub is necessarily covered.

    Sadim silent blackberry in his garden 12376_1
    Sadim silent blackberry in his garden Nelya

    Sophistic blackberry (photo from YouTube)

    The shrub multiply can in three ways: seeds, dividing bush and process. Of course, the simplest is seeding. But in this case, the varietal characteristics of the plant are not saved.

    Sophisticated shrubs do not form offs. For their reproduction, the upper part of the shoots is suitable. Usually use annual shoots. The branch does not break. Its top, about 20-25 cm, chew to the ground. It is important to rechill 3-5 cm on top. It is necessary to remove the extra leaves where you are drawing.

    Optionally, you can make a transplant. Drop the root escape without damage to the roots. By roots, you can determine which of the shoots is healthy. It is separated and transplanted to another place. To do this, you need to choose a warm and sunny plot. In the soil there must be a minimum limestone content. From him leaves begin to root. Blackberry Loves Gumus. Therefore, the soil should be rich. In addition, it does not need to moisten. Otherwise, the roots will begin to rotate, and this will lead to the death of the entire shrub. If your plant is steadily for cold, then it follows it in the spring, and vice versa.

    Watering must be once a week. No more often. The feeder is carried out three times in one season. So the blackberry will be better fruit. We present to your attention two universal feeding methods:

    1. Two tablespoons of potassium sulfate are diluted in 10 liters of water. Water with mortar.
    2. One liter of infusion cowboy is bred in 10 liters of water. You can replace with 0.5 liters of bird litter.

    Some daches feed the shrub and after harvesting. In this case, wood ash is usually used. It is bred in water in the proportion of 0.5 l to 10 liters. Mix well and watered the soil. It is important not to pour the mixture to the shrub itself. Otherwise, plates are formed on leaves.

    Blackberry is resistant to pests. If the raspberries have a lot of them, then blackberries are practically no. This is and pleases a large number of gardeners! With the cultivation of blackberries, there are practically no problems. It is not supported and does not require ambitious efforts. At the same time possesses large and delicious fruits. Well, not a miracle? It is important to constantly remove all dried and sick branches.

    Be careful to your garden. Have a nice harvest!

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