How to save the summer dacha, without pouring out water out of it


Good afternoon, my reader. A rare country farm costs without such an important adaptation as a barrel in which rainwater is going. However, many novice daches faced a problem when the barrel left in the winter in the country was unusable for the spring. It's all about noncomplying certain rules for storing such tanks. If they do not pour out water and not turn over, they can easily be deformed by the ice driving them and become unsuitable for operation.

How to save the summer dacha, without pouring out water out of it 12373_1
How to keep the summer dacha barrel in winter without pouring water from her Maria Verbilkova

According to the laws of physics, water, turning into ice, increases 8% in volume. And this means, for example, the iron bar of 200 liters filled with water, after complete freezing the latter will already contain 216 liters of ice mass. So that the barrel is not damaged from the increased pressure, these additional liters must somehow compensate. Moreover, there will be nothing to roll out from the capacity of 16 liters of water, since the expansion of the volume of fluid during the freezing process will go in all directions, increasing the load on the walls and the bottom.

The basis of this method is elementary physics. The fact is that with an increase in the volume of water in the process of freezing, the pressure will be supplied not so much on the walls and the bottom of the barrel, how many plastic containers are pre-placed in it. Simply put, as a result, the ice doubt cans and bottles, and the barrel will remain a mustache.

The sequence of actions for the manufacture of such "device" is as follows:

  • A plastic canister or a bottle of water is taken. The softer its housing, the better.
  • Its neck is tightened with a lid, but it should be looked thin (when the cover is pressed from under the cover).
  • The housing is firmly winding with a rope, the other end of which is attached to the brick (it will perform an anchor function). It follows from all four sides so that it does not break.
  • Then, holding the rope, it is gently lowered to the bottom. The length of the rope must be calculated in the height of the barrel in such a way that the canister, partially pulled by brick, would result in a peculiar float, immersed by 3/4 in water.
How to save the summer dacha, without pouring out water out of it 12373_2
How to keep the summer dacha barrel in winter without pouring water from her Maria Verbilkova

Float may not be one. For example, a 16 liter compensation is required for a two-toll barrel. Partially it will be carried out due to the fact that part of the freezing water is freely squeezed up. If a five-liter canister was used as a float, then it will take compensation for another 5 liters of volume. But this may not be enough, therefore it is better that such floats be two.

To prevent deformation of the bottom of the barrel, it can be lowered on the ropes a couple of two-liter plastic bottles filled with sand. It will not be able to completely minimize their ice, however, a portion of the pressure will still be able to switch to them, and therefore, reduce the pressure on the bottom.

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