All you need to know about crop rotation


Crowning is a regular change of planting plants. His goal is to improve the quality and composition of the soil. If several years plant culture on the same place, the crop will deteriorate every year. And this reason for this reason.

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All you need to know about the crop rot

What you need to know about the crop rotation (photo is used according to a standard license ©

Pests and diseases

Each Plant family has both characteristic diseases and typical pest insects. For example, Polenic often sick phytoofluorosis.

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All you need to know about the crop rot

Phytofluorosis on tomatoes (photo used by standard license ©

In the soil there are also pathogens, and insect larvae. Therefore, if the plants were damaged in the summer, next year, it is necessary to plant culture from another family on this garden, because the plant "relative" will be sick almost for sure.

Lack of useful elements in the soil

For the development of different cultures, different macro and trace elements are needed. If every year it is for the garden to fit the same plant, it is obvious that the content of the element you need will decrease, and the harvest will become more worse.Selection of toxins

Toxins that highlight the root system of plants can adversely affect not only related cultures, but also on other plants.

How to organize crop rotation

  1. It is not necessary to plant a culture before four years. And if the plant is sore, this period must be increased to six years.
  2. At the same time next year, not only the plant, but also related cultures should not be planted.
  3. Record all that is associated with planting plants, in one place - so it will be easier for you to navigate.
  4. If an empty place remains in the garden - it is worth putting siters there. It will make the soil fertrige.

Beans can grow for several years in the same place. In addition, they enrich soil with nitrogen, so during crop rotation in their place you can plant cultures with which it is necessary.

Methods of crop rotation

Crop rotor of different types

Plants are divided into groups depending on which part of them is edible. Beans isolated nitrogen necessary for leafy crops, so they are very convenient to change places.

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All you need to know about the crop rot

Crop crop rotation (Photo used by standard license ©

It is true for rootpodes and fruit crops: the first is obtained by the nutrient elements from the lower layer of the soil, and the second - from the top.

Crop rotor of different families

Each year in the same place it is necessary to plant plants belonging to different families.

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All you need to know about the crop rot

After legumes - squeeze cabbage, and after - umbrella (photo is used according to a standard license ©

It is necessary to group cultivated cultures on the basis of the family and decide which in which the sequence to plant them in each zone of the site.

Crop rotation with different demands

Different cultures have a different demanding to fertility.

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All you need to know about the crop rot

Becking beet (Photo used by standard license ©

On this basis, they are divided into the following categories:

  • Beets, cabbage or tomatoes salad can give a good harvest only on fertile soil;
  • radish, pepper, turnips, potatoes and amarylline medium demands for fertility;
  • Siderats and legumes restore soil nutrition.

In the first year, it is necessary to plant culture demanding for fertility. To prepare for this soil, falling fertilizers in the fall. Next year, plants are put on this place with medium demands, and another year - legumes or siters, which will prepare the soil for demanding cultures.

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