Plastering room for lighthouses, stages of work


Good day! In today's article I will tell you about your experience of plaster walls.

Repair business long. One of the longest is the alignment of the walls by plaster. In addition to the fact that it should be put on the wall, it is necessary to give her to dry, and this, as practice shows, can stretch for a long time.

First you need to deal with the stages of work.

1. Preparation of material and tools. After an approximate assessment of the room and calculating deviations, it is necessary to calculate how much material will be required. If you are novice and do not know how to count the material, you can look at the bag. It is usually indicated by a minimum layer of 1 square meter. Using the example of the plaster Unis, the hair is white, the manufacturer indicates a consumption of 4-4.5 kg per 1 square meter, that is, with a minimum layer of the bag, you will be enough for 6-7 square meters. When you set the level on the place where the lighthouse will stand, you can measure the distance to the wall and calculate the amount of material. There are a large number of online calculators. Previously, it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​the wall.

The material includes not only the plaster, and also lighthouses, corners, primer and in some cases plaster grid.

From the tools you need a rule, spatula 2 pcs, roller, bucket 2 pcs., Level, mixer.

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I needed 20 bags to the kitchen

2. Prepare walls. Covered with primer / concrete contact.

3. Install lighthouses. I told in one of my previous articles how to do it. How to install plaster beacons, newcomer experience

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Lighthouses on the wall

4. Cut the plaster and smear it on the wall. On the bag usually write how many liters of water are necessary - to the heat of 0.5 liters. However, you yourself bring the mixture to the desired consistency, if you need to add mobility add water, if on the contrary - you need to lower mobility, then add more plasters. Bring it, usually use a drill with a special nozzle, you can also manually - a spatula.

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ordinary plaster

5. Shiny. In the process of plastering of the walls, various kinds of defects are formed, traces from the tool, various bulbs, scratches, recesses. To achieve a smooth surface, it is necessary after a while after setting the mixture from 30 minutes to 4 hours, moisten the wall with water and with the help of a spongy grab to sweep the surface, after the spatula, to block the top layer.

By time I did this room for about 10 days.

Instead of shiny, after drying, the irregularity shouted with a thin layer of sufficiently liquid plaster.

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