The seed plant with an annual capacity of up to 30 tons opened in the Amur region

The seed plant with an annual capacity of up to 30 tons opened in the Amur region 12317_1

The seed plant, the production capacity of which will reach 30 thousand tons of seeds and food soybean per year, opened in the village of Zarechny Amur region. It is planned that the products will be supplied to the Republic of Korea, Ank Stepan Inyutochkin, told the TASS agency.

"The plant's production facilities will be up to 30 thousand tons per year, which will allow producing products for both local and foreign markets. So, for example, 4 thousand tons of soybeans in South Korea will be exported within the framework of the previous contract, the company will be exported by the company, "Inyatochkin said.

According to the company, the seed plant managed to build in eight months, the project cost was 150 million rubles. The plant has modern equipment for receiving, cleaning, polishing, calibration, separation, pre-sowing soybean treatment.

"This plant is export oriented. 2020 was heavy from the point of view of international contacts, and I hope that in 2021 we can more actively work with Japanese and Korean partners. Our partners need quality products, this plant will make it possible to prepare high-quality food soy, which is definitely taking into account the fact that it is not GMO, will be in demand abroad, "said the Governor of the Amur Region Vasily Orlov at the opening of the plant.

He noted that this year the task is to increase the percentage of soybean processing in the region - from 36% to 70%. New support measures are introduced for this.

"From this year, additional funds will be done from the regional budget for measures for support for the processing of soybeans. Our task is up to 70% of soybean, which grows in the Amur region, process here, today we process 36%, "he said.

According to the management of the enterprise, the technological processes of the opened plant make it possible to achieve high grains that are intended for subsequent sowing. "The yield increases at times, as a result, agricultural producers remain in a more advantageous position," said Inytochkin.

About so in the Amur

The agro-industrial complex is the main in the economy of the Amur region. Until 1990, more than 70% of the total Russian soy were grown in the Amur region, now more than 40%. Along with the wood legumes - one of the main articles of the export of the region.

Previously, the Governor of the Amur Region noted that the volume of sales of soybeans, soy shrot and other export positions increased. Amur products are supplied in 12 countries, including the DPRK, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Poland, the United States, China's main importer remains China with a share of about 97%.

(Source: TASS.RU).

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