8 reasons not to dispose of coffee thick and use it in everyday life

8 reasons not to dispose of coffee thick and use it in everyday life 12306_1

When you clean the container for left-hand residues in the coffee machine, do not hurry to throw out the recycled coffee beans. They can give a "second life" - not only cosmetics are made from the residues of the drink, but also use in everyday life. About where the coffee grounds can come in handy, Joinfo.com will tell.

1. Removes the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator

In the refrigerator, there are often strange, and not always pleasant "flavors". To get rid of them, you must first throw away the source of the smell, and then you can put a peculiar flavor.

Dry coffee thick, put it in a plastic jar, do in the cover of the hole and put in the refrigerator. Coffee will absorb all unpleasant odors. If necessary, you can put the same jar in the freezer.

2. Cleans the frying pan and pans

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Take a handful of dry coffee grounds and well soda pan and pans coated with a layer of fat and gari. After wash the dishes as usual. Remember that this method is not suitable for items with a non-stick coating!

3. Removes unpleasant odor with hands

Put a dry coffee grip in the jar and put the container on the table where you cook. After cleaning onions, cooking fish or chopping garlic soda hand dry coffee and wash with water with soap. This will help get rid of the unpleasant smell on the skin.

4. Homemade soap

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From the coffee grounds you can make a wonderful homemade soap. The tool will not only help get rid of the unpleasant odor on their hands, but also will perform the functions of the scrub due to the presence of small coffee grasses.

5. Removes the unpleasant smell from shoes

To get rid of the unpleasant smell in your favorite shoes, you can leave a special coffee bag at night. Just pour dry coffee thick into the old sock, and leave it overnight in shoes. During this time, coffee will absorb an unpleasant smell.

6. Plant fertilizer

Coffee beans contain many nutrients, including nitrogen, which is often used as fertilizer. Coffee thickness retains all the beneficial properties of grains. Just add in a pot to a flower dry coffee thick 2-3 times a month.

7. Compost enrichment

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As we wrote above, a lot of useful substances remain in the coffee grounds that can be used to fertilize not only domestic flowers. Pull dry thick in the composter or a special pit and mix - the fertilizer will become even more useful.

8. Scaring cats

If your pet uses floral flower beds as a tray, you can scare your cat with coffee. Simply mix the dry coffee thickness with a frozen orange zest and pour onto the flowerbed.

If you accumulate too much coffee thickness, then this is a good reason to think, and not too much invigorating drink you drink. Earlier, we wrote about what happens to the body of a person who uses coffee in large quantities - believe me, consequences can be very unpleasant.

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