The exam and 20 years of experience want to remove from among the requirements for candidates to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan


The exam and 20 years of experience want to remove from among the requirements for candidates to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The exam and 20 years of experience want to remove from among the requirements for candidates to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Astana. 11th of March. KazTag - Madina Alimkhanova. The Senate of Parliament adopted amendments to the law, liberating candidates for the Judge of the Ripopa Court of Kazakhstan and the candidate for the position of chairman of the Supreme Court to take a qualification exam.

"The draft law is made a change in the requirements for candidates for the post of Chairman of the Supreme Court and the judge of the Supreme Court, which are recommended by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Considering that the persons submitted by the President of the Republic for election to the specified judicial positions are of sufficient experience, are professionals, the bill is invited to exclude the current provision of the qualifying exam and cancel the requirement for the availability of work experience at a legal profession for at least 20 years, "says In the conclusion of the Senate Committee on Constitutional Legislation, the Judicial System and law enforcement agencies to the draft constitutional law "On Amendments and Supplements to the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" On the Judicial System and the Status of the Judges of the Republic of Kazakhstan ".

In turn, Senator Vladimir Volkov noted that the competition is only part of the selection of candidates.

"It should be noted that the contest is only part of the selection. The mechanism of election of the judge of the Supreme Court in an extraction order on the submission of the President is already provided and has been operating since February 21, 2019 in the Constitutional Law on the Judicial System and the status of judges. The order of election of the judge of the Supreme Court, including in an extraction order, in accordance with Article 82 of the Constitution requires the mandatory recommendation of the Supreme Judicial Council. This requirement is established in the constitutional law on the judiciary and the status of judges. The draft law is not excluded by all qualification requirements for candidates, but only the need for a qualifying exam and the conditions on the work of work, "said Volkov at a meeting of the Senate on Thursday.

He noted that the candidate for the post of Chairman of the Supreme Court and the Judge of the Supreme Court in an extraction order should overcome the age values; have the necessary level and profile of education, high moral and moral qualities, impeccable reputation; To pass medical examination and confirm the lack of diseases that prevent the execution of the professional duties of the judge.

In addition, according to Volkova, candidates who are not judges are also undergoing a polygraph study.

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