Deputies of the Gordeum checked the quality of snow harvesting in the Nizhny Novgorod and Soviet areas

Deputies of the Gordeum checked the quality of snow harvesting in the Nizhny Novgorod and Soviet areas 12293_1

Deputies of the Duma of Nizhny Novgorod conducted monitoring the quality of snow cleaning in the Nizhny Novgorod and Soviet areas of the city on March 6. The outbound meeting was organized at the initiative of the Chairman of the Gordeuma Oleg Lavrichev on the basis of numerous complaints and appeals of Nizhny Novgorod who received by deputies in personally and in social networks.

Deputies of the City Duma Elena Azerov, Olga Balakina, Oksana Dectoreva and Jeanne Skvortsova, First Deputy Head of the Administration of the City of Dmitry Sivokhin, Director of the Department of Housing and Engineering Infrastructure Denis Skalkin, Director of the Department of Housing and Engineering Infrastructure Denis Skalkin, Director of the Department of Housing and Engineering Infrastructure, Head of Administration The technical and municipal control of Ivan Solovyov, heads of administrations of the Nizhny Novgorod and Soviet districts Ilya Lagutin and Sergey Kolotov, as well as a representative of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Dmitry Sivokhin reported that in February, the number of precipitation fell in Nizhny Novgorod in Nizhny Novgorod and noted that the peculiarity of February snowfalls was their passage at low negative temperatures, which was not in previous years. In general, Dmitry Sivokhin rated the work of Nizhny Novgorod roadmakers in February as satisfactory, since the traffic of transport in Nizhny Novgorod, unlike Moscow and other major cities, according to him, was not paralyzed. The total number of exported snow today is 1 million 150 thousand cubic meters, of which 350 thousand cubic meters are from the Nizhny Novgorod district.

As Ilya Lagutin told and Sergey Kolovkov, an additional technique of the "Teplynergo", "Nizhny Novgorod Vodokanal" and developers are attracted to the removal of snow by the administrations of the districts of districts of areas. In the conditions of the emergency mode for snow cleaning in Nizhny Novgorod, an technique has been brought from the areas of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Currently, cleaning the streets of snow is made mainly at night with the involvement of evacuators to move the parked vehicles interfering snow removal techniques.

Deputies of the Gordeum checked the quality of snow harvesting in the Nizhny Novgorod and Soviet areas 12293_2

Dmitry Sivokhin said that the mechanisms for optimizing the process of road harvesting in the winter period are being studied. In particular, the possibility of installing road signs regulating parking on different sides of roads on even and odd numbers is considered. Answering the questions of deputies, Dmitry Sivokhin said that the cleaning of the storm sewer was already started on the eve of the melting of the snow.

The meeting participants inspected and appreciated the quality of winter roads and yard areas, made comments on the quality of cleaning of intra-ordinary passages. Deputies Elena Argenova and Olga Balakina also pointed out the city administration on the need for priority purification from snow of entrances to social institutions - kindergartens, schools, clinics and hospitals.

During the course, the problem of garbage removal from container sites was revealed and the unsatisfactory work of the regional operator Necrology-NN was noted. According to Dmitry Sivokhin, the regional operator explains a large amount of accumulated garbage in the courtyards inability to entry technology to container sites due to unobed snow. According to him, according to the entire specified regional operator, the addresses carried out a check and in most cases the problem of entry to container sites was not confirmed.

Deputies of the Gordeum checked the quality of snow harvesting in the Nizhny Novgorod and Soviet areas 12293_3
"In the course of today's detour in two districts where there were overloaded garbage containers, we have not seen a single case of difficult entrances to container sites, which was indicated to the regional operator. The representative of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Nizhny Novgorod region recorded all the addresses and took them to control. The garbage promised to take out today, which will be monitored by GGG, "Oleg Lavrichov commented.

Meeting participants once again stated the fact of shortage in Nizhny Novgorod of snow blowing equipment in sufficient quantities. As Oleg Lavrichyev told, the city may see the issue of allocating funds from the city of more than 200 units of snow blowing equipment from the budget of Nizhny Novgorod.

Since snowfalls are predicted in Nizhny Novgorod during March, the deputies of the City Duma will continue to work on monitoring snow cleaning.


According to the FGBU "Verkhne-Volga Office for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring", in February 2021, 246% (91 mm) fell in the Nagorno part of Nizhny Novgorod, 260% (78 mm) from medium perennial values.

Previously, the maximum monthly rainfall in the Nagorn part was recorded in 2001 - 81 mm (219%), in the zaretny part in 1966 - 77 mm (257%). According to FGBU "Verkhne-Volzhskoe UGMS", in 2021, the absolute maxima of the monthly amount of precipitation for February was blocked in Nizhny Novgorod.

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