10 phrases that can not talk to a child


The child absorbs everything as a sponge. Words and actions of parents have tremendous influence on him, because these people are the most authoritative source.

But not all parents use the power of them for the benefit. From adults, it is often possible to hear the same phrases that humiliate the child and beat greatly on his self-esteem.

This article contains 10 phrases that are very negatively reflected on the psyche of any child. Do you use such wording?

"Who are you?"

The question stems disappointment and dislike. And it feels well any child. As a result, Chado will simply begin to closes and nibble with negative emotions bad self-esteem.

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Adults should always remember that their expectations from children are their personal problems. No need to shift your own dissatisfaction with life on babies or adolescents.

"Here's a baby's child is better"

Comparison of your child with other people's children is a direct path to neurosis. Some parents believe that in this way the kids motivate to be better and nascent the healthy spirit of rivalry.

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That's just a child usually just turns all new and new complexes that remain with him and in adulthood.

"You can not be entrusted with"

Not any adult can fulfill the task as others expect others. Children simply do not know how to do much.

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Therefore, you should not be angry with them because of broken dishes or mess in the closet. It is better to help the child to fulfill the task and tell how it is faster and more efficient to do. Personal example is the best teacher!

See also: Child and Father: 10 Things that are inherited

"Stop worry about this"

Any emotions should be lived, and not be depressed in the body. Especially in childhood, when a child is not fully aware of the nature of his reactions.

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If the parent uses such wording, he simply devalues ​​the feelings of his chad. This can lead to health problems and inability to cope with really complex emotional situations in the future.

"So much for you did, and you are ungrateful"

Manipulation in pure form, which should cause a child with a sense of guilt. Such a depressed child will be much easier to control, and this goal often pursue parents.

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All that adults invest in their offspring are their independent decision. It is not worth poke this if anyone is not worth it, otherwise children will begin to raise the children sooner or later to depend on the parents.

"Such as you are full"

If the child is striving for something and wants to realize himself in life - it is only necessary to encourage. In the future, he will bring himself in the future, and the negative and heyters will give him life in large quantities.

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Parents better support Chado and provide full assistance using their life experience of an adult.

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"Shame on you"

Shame is a bad feeling that prevents many people in adulthood. If the child did not quite right, then it is clear to explain to him that it is not.

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Thus, a person forms its own system of values ​​and learns to make the right decisions. In any case, the sense of inferiority is not worth it and the word "shame" is better to use at a minimum.

"You are the same unavailable as ..."

As we have already discussed above, to compare your native child with someone else is a very bad idea. A child will always perceive such comparisons exclusively in a negative key.

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Especially if it is a direct text to declare that he is very similar to the unavoidable or unloved relative.

"You can't do anyway"

Until certain age, parents are the most important people in the life of the child. And this you need to use - to inspire confidence in your own strength and teach them to take defeats.

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In no case can not customize the child for failure from the very beginning and downgrade its ability. Everyone himself must learn to set goals and achieve the desired result.

"I told you"

People make mistakes in absolutely any age. And nothing spoils the mood more than the phrase "and I spoke" from the mouth of a loved one.

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You can convey your position and help you, but it is necessary to do it in a softer form and at the right moment. The annoyed child will never perceive parent advice, even if they are very reasonable.

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Did you hear similar phrases from parents or other adults in childhood? Share your stories in the comments!

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