Ugra Bitloman told how the day of the legendary group celebrate

Ugra Bitloman told how the day of the legendary group celebrate 12280_1
Ugra Bitloman told how the day of the legendary group celebrate

Let IT BE. "Let it be so", if in Russian. This is the name and line of the popular song of The Beatles. Today, Bitoman Planets celebrate World Liverpool Fourth Day. This holiday appeared in 2001. On January 16, 1957, the first speech was held in one of Liverpool clubs.

The Beatles is not just a group, but a cultural phenomenon of the 20th century. The Liverpool fourth is still inspired by the musicians of the whole world. On the most iconic compositions make their own and sometimes unusual cover version, play with a symphony orchestra. And the musicians from the Ugra are no exception. For example, a doctor of emergency medical care Sergey Ermakov, in his free from the rescue of Ugra time, plays a rock band. In his speeches, he has repeatedly used an unusual tool. Electric voltage.

Musical critics say that the secret of the music of the Liverpool fourth in simplicity. They say it can be played by anything. But musicians have their own eyes.

Sergey Yermakov, musician, group "25th hour", Khanty-Mansiysk: "I would not say that the Beatles can play on the Canceltape. Canceltap Tool primarily folk. I do not think that when I was invented by Canceltap, they listened to The Beatles, especially where it was invented. Folk instruments play folk music. But I do not say that it is impossible to play. You can come up with any arrangements. "

But it does not matter. If you play the main parties problematic, then you can easily play in the tone. And here is another interesting fact about The Beatles, music and guitars. If in Russia, the musicians start their way with the songs of the Movie group, then in English-speaking countries most often with The Beatles. For example, LET IT BE songs. Why? Because simple chords and beautiful song.

Perhaps the biggest fan of The Beatles in Ugra - Valery Kochapalov - a collector of plates. They have them more than 3000. Fifty - these are albums of the group and solo projects of participants. There are even very rare exhibits. For example, the vinyl record of 1967, which introduced the residents of the USSR with the work of the Beatles. On the collection was only one of their song. But even it was enough to conquer the hearts of thousands of Soviet citizens.

Valery Kochepalov, a collector of vinyl records: "This is a rather rare plate. Despite the fact that the circulation was big. These plates listened, heard to holes. Therefore, in good condition now to find such a plate - a rarity. I think several dozen persisted. It says that the Quartet "Beatles", music and words: folk ". And if then it was a mistake, now it is true that the Beatles have become for the whole world with their people. Their songs are translated on hundreds of languages. This is a classic rock and roll. Musicians say that in 100 years they will listen and find something for themselves.

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