Ryazantians presented awards for outstanding professional successes

Ryazantians presented awards for outstanding professional successes 12272_1
Photos from the Government site of the Ryazan region

On January 21, a solemn ceremony of awarding state and regional awards to Ryazans who have achieved outstanding success in professional activities took place. This is reported on the website of the regional government.

The best health care workers, education, industrial branch, communications, housing and communal services, social services to the population, representatives of science, culture and art, public organizations received certificates of assignment of honorary titles, memorable signs of the governor "gratitude from the land of Ryazan", honorary signs of the head of the region " For merits in front of the Ryazan region. " Ryazan's awards presented the governor Nikolai Lyubimov.

Among the awarded awards - Order of Pyrogova and the medal of the Crimean Luke, who were established by the President of Russia Vladimir Russia last year. Putin to promote the special merits of medical workers and volunteers, primarily for the contribution to the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

"I am very glad that such an important and significant work of Ryazans is appreciated at the highest state level. Of course, representatives of the health sector are separate thanks for everything they do. Thank you for sensitivity, patience, competence and responsiveness! ", - said Nikolai Lyubimov. Such awards received doctors, nurses, heads of separations of the Ryazan OKB and the regional clinical hospital named after N.A. Semashko.

Two awards were awarded posthumously. The medal of the Order "For Merit Before Fatherland" 2 degrees were awarded to Nikolay Vladimirovich to Kashov. He was led by one of the leading universities in the region - an agrarian university and many years of his life gave agricultural production and science. The honorary title "Honored Worker of Culture and Art of the Ryazan Region" was awarded a talented actress, leading master scene of the regional theater of the young spectator Zoe Viktorovna Pyatnitsky. The awards were transferred to their relatives.

"All these awards are a huge creative work, stubborn, many years of conscientious work, the ability to solve complex tasks. I thank each of you for the responsible attitude to the case. For investing in it all your strength and talent. For the desire to bring the highest possible benefit to people and the country, their small homeland. Contribution to the development of the region, to strengthen industries that you imagine invaluable, "said the head of the region.

Photos from the Government site of the Ryazan region

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