Tomatoes with all envy: how to grow a crop of large fruits


    Good afternoon, my reader. It is unlikely that someone may doubt that tomatoes grown by personally, much more tastier and fragrant than bought in the universal or even in the market. However, not all daches have a crop of large and juicy fruits. In fact, it is not so difficult to resolve this problem: you just need to competently care for vegetable culture.

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    Tomatoes for all envy: how to grow a crop of large fruits of nonsense

    The cultivation of tomatoes (photo is used according to a standard license ©

    Tomatoes do not belong to cultures that are needed abundant watering. These plants are sufficiently moderate soil moisturizing with subsequent loosening. At the same time, watering must be made strictly under the root of the plant.

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    Tomatoes for all envy: how to grow a crop of large fruits of nonsense

    Watering Tomatoes (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    The moisture on the crown, the moisture has a negative effect on the yield of tomatoes, since wet pollen becomes severe and unsuitable for pollination. It slows down the process of formation of the string and ultimately reflected on the maturation of fruits and the quality of the harvest.

    In addition, abundant watering, especially in adverse weather conditions, provoke the occurrence of fungal infections, which also do not contribute to good crop.

    Adult plants watered 1-2 times a week depending on weather conditions and the state of the soil.

    The yield of tomatoes and the magnitude, the weight of the fruits depend directly and from the fertility of the soil. The beds are prepared since autumn: compost, humid and wood ash are made under the people. The rooted seedlings are fed after a couple of weeks after disembarking into the ground.

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    Tomatoes for all envy: how to grow a crop of large fruits of nonsense

    Undercalinking tomatoes (Photo used by standard license ©

    A solution of mineral fertilizers is prepared as feeding: superphosphate (20-25 g), potassium sulfate (15-20 g) and 10 liters of water. This agent is used on wet soil (after watering). If the soil is very me, then another 10 g of ammonia nitrate is added to the main composition.

    Repeated feeders are carried out as needed. Although experienced dacities believe that the deadline for this procedure is a period of flowering. Since at a later time, when the wrenches are already on the bushes, fertilizer can affect the taste of fruits.

    Among the rapid tomatoes there are many varieties that do not require steps. Most often it is low or medium culture with strong (strambered) trunks that do not need a support. However, in small land or in the greenhouses, summer residents try to plant tall plants to collect a good harvest.

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    Tomatoes for all envy: how to grow a crop of large fruits of nonsense

    Tomato Care (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    Intenerminant varieties are primarily needed by a support (tweer, mesh, pegs), since their height can reach up to 3 m. In addition, these plants are more often in need of steaming. The removal of the lower leaves and shoots generated in the interstilius, strengthens the bush, makes it possible to use all resources (moisture, nutrients) to form and aging full-fledged fruits.

    At the same time, the procedure of stepsing is carried out no earlier than the appearance on the bushes of the first inflorescences. For starters, no more than 2-3 stepsins are removed (leaves). The next time this action is repeated no earlier than after 7-10 days.

    A good air exchange prevents the development and spread of phytoofluorosis and other fungal infections. And competent steaming stimulates the formation of a large number of wounds and accelerates the ripening of fruits for 2-3 weeks ahead of time.

    The cultivation of small, non-zerosy tomatoes cannot be the norm, because vegetables are not reaching before the condition losing their taste. In order for the harvest always pleased with the tremendous clusters of large fruits, you just need to take care of sufficient lighting, moderate watering and timely feeding.

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