Right. How to find out if the abroad is closed for you

Right. How to find out if the abroad is closed for you 12234_1

Russians are fearless people: even in a pandemic managed to receive visas and ride abroad. But in the presence of a visa, you can stop with the intersection of the border - if the state for one or another reasons imposed a temporary ban on a citizen. Phintola explains who forbidden to leave abroad and how to find out whether such a ban is in relation to you.

Who can ban departure

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First of all, the prohibition should be ready for the departure to be prepared by the family of service to completely secret information (state secrets). For example, before the expiration of your employment contract. And in some cases a few more years after that. According to the law, such restrictions also apply to FSB employees, and conscript servicemen, and "alternatives".

It will not be possible to go abroad for those who are serving a sentence for a crime or officially in the status of the accused, in bankrupt and insolvent.

Well, of course, debtors. Do not pay for a communal? Shodded by alimony? Accumulated a bunch of fines? The bailiff service has the right to impose a temporary ban on you, if you, despite the court decision, maliciously do not extinguish your debts. Maliciousness in this case means "without good reasons" and in the amounts provided for by law.

Abroad will be temporarily not allowed if:

  • Debts on alimony, reimbursement of moral damage, damage to health or property exceed 10,000 rubles;
  • Debts have accumulated due to other requirements (housing and communal services, fines, penalties, taxes, and so on) in the amount of 30,000 rubles and more;
  • The requirements of non-property character (eviction of the debtor, demolition of the illegally built building, the transfer of the child and so on).

Where to check the availability of debts

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You can learn about your debts in public services. Here you can pay some debts. But there is a nuance: no longer expired for paying tax or fine, they are not displayed on the portal of a large brother. So it is worth checking in the original sources - in the Personal Account on the Tax Service website and on the traffic police website.

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Debts on housing and communal services, loans, alimony and other court debts may interfere with the exit abroad only after the appeal of creditors to the court.

Not too much to search and in the bank of these executive proceedings of the Federal Bailiff Service. By the way, it is worth checking at the same way relative or friends with whom you plan to travel, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises at the border.

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As for loans, everything depends on the debtor. If all payments on the loan on time and properly are properly, then this loan will not affect the income. But if the debt is growing, the loan is not paid, and the bank has already appealed to the court, then it's bad. In the presence of open executive production and large debt, the chances of going abroad seek to zero.

What to do if not released

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Slow down on border control? Tickets are disappeared, burning armor, the plane flies away? Relax, I don't have anyway anyway. You can solve the problem in different ways, but they all require time.

First, you can pay - and not a border guard, but lenders. The next day, the addition would have to make a decision to cancel the restriction of the right to leave. The next business day. And within a day, this information will be sent to all interested departments. Including the border guard.

Secondly, you can try to prove that the debt on you hung mistakenly. We will have to run around the cabinets and courts. But in the case of the successful end of this enterprise, there will be a copy of the decision that the executive document was returned to the recoverer, canceled or declared invalid. And then the ban on the departure will cancel.

Thirdly, you can agree with the lender. If the debtor and the recovere officially entered into a global agreement, a temporary ban on departure is removed. The debt will be paid after the return, and if there is no - the prohibition is not long and return. Most often about the World Agreement agree in cases of non-payment of alimony. Although, if the debtor gathered abroad with a new wife ... In general, check your debts on time - and the abroad will be you.

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