Workers "Pavlodarenergo" complain about low salary and antisanitia in locker rooms



Workers "Pavlodarenergo" complain about low salary and antisanitia in locker rooms

Pavlodar. March 23. KazTAG - Employees of Pavlodarenergo JSC wrote a collective complaint against the company's management due to low wages and antisanitars in locker rooms and dining rooms, KazTag reports.

"We are employees of one of the subsidiaries of Pavlodarenergo JSC. This year there was an unprecedented flow of complaints for underwright in high-rise buildings and power supply interruptions. I dare to assure you - this is just the beginning. (...) Fixtures and electricians, on whose shoulders are kept warm and comfort in your homes, receive T80-90 thousand. If you think that brigadiers and salary masters are more, then it is not. With the payment of labor here is a big chaos. Arriving workers for more than a year - two here are not delayed, "wrote energy in the letter published on one of the publishes.

In addition, they point to weak illumination and unsanitary conditions in the locker rooms, canteens, where "that is not a lunch, then the fear of heartburn and cosmic prices".

Taking into account the equipment of the 1960s, crowded delivery, frameworks and the lack of salary indexing for several years - in such conditions "will never be staffed by experienced and professional workers," say the authors of the letter.

In addition, employees of the company mention affiliate contractual organizations.

"The steering wheel, who no longer call the energy. We do not appreciate workers. They do not care about residents of the city and districts, to local government! They are systematically ruined that they created our fathers and grandfathers. Raise us salary, restore normal working conditions, adjust the production cycle, "offer the authors of the letter.

At the same time, the press service of Pavlodarenergo JSC responded that this letter of employees of the Western enterprise of Pavlodar REC electric grid to the management of the "Caque" and Pavlodarenergo leadership was reached last week.

"For all questions of the appeal, expanded answers are being prepared, which will be sent to the address specified in the appeal up to April 1," the enterprise's press service noted.

Your appeal through social networks employees of the company explained by fear that the question may remain unanswered.

There are 130 surnames under the letter.

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