"I gave birth to my brother, the parents of another child" - the story of Mom, who could not educate his son


- I gave birth not my son, and my brother, my parents, one more child, says a beautiful young woman. - I have no maternal feelings, but I love him all the soul.

When Marina turned 20 years old, she became clear to her - either she gets married and leaving away from parental care, or each step will continue to be controlled.

Life according to plan

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The only daughter at mom and dad, a loved one, burning, she actually lived on a given schedule. He spoke to suggestions even over a year, went to school in 5 years, in 16 he already studied at the university at once in two specialties, knew four languages ​​and in their generally very young age worked on a promising position.

"Marry should come out no later than 25 years old, in order to have time to give birth to one, but better at once two children up to 30," Parents were tried.

Her young man Stepan in the family approved. But the most important thing is that he himself was in full delighted with the defendant adopted in their home. Marina did not demolish the roof of love, but she was pleased that there were no conflicts in this matter.

Her parents organized them a very magnificent wedding. They made no money for this one year. Gave a trip to the wedding trip, handed the keys from the new apartment and promised to present the car on the first anniversary.

Apartment on the same floor

Marinina Dream finally move away from albeit very loved ones, but overly caring moms and dads did not come true. At the wedding, her father said:

- And we also decided to change the housing conditions and changed the apartment to the neighboring with yours! We will live on the same floor!

Stepan was sincerely delighted, he loved the mother-in-law and the test. And Marina, though he felt that it was incorrect, but did not understand.

Young gave a couple of months to get used to the new status. Then the girl had a complete feeling that they were not living on the same floor with their parents, but in the same room.

Mom was preparing at all breakfasts, lunches and dinners, insisting that the whole family was going at the table on the weekend. In order to leave somewhere, it was necessary to literally.

Stepan flourished. He had another warehouse family and secretly he always dreamed of such unity and care. He quickly scored ten kilograms of excess weight quickly.

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Marina did his career and tried to go at home. She loved her home very much, but she was pursued by the idea that it was managed by each action.

It's time to give birth to a child

The closer was the first anniversary of the wedding, the more persistent parents hinted at the grandson. Giving the promised car for the holiday, they stated that they had specially chosen such that the big family would fit.

Marina has not yet been ready for children. No, she wanted babies, and she did not even object to the need to give birth to 30. But this is how the parent quantity did not want to. But Stepan agreed with them. The year lived - it's time to expand the family. Moreover, grandparents are ready to help in everything.

When Marina became pregnant, she decided that this was their chance to separate her young family. She even picked up a couple of times about moving to another area, where there were good kindergarten and school for the future child.

- Hormones! - the choir responded to this whole family. - You will give birth and change your mind.

"We are all already bought"

The belly of Ros, Marina was pleased with the baby. For Saturday breakfast, she said that he wanted to go to the children's store, watch the range, look after the stroller and the crib. Parents were overloaded.

"We wanted to do a surprise," Smiling, Mom said. - But since you gathered, we will tell. We have already already bought!

She took the marina by his hand and took to another room. There were already a collected cot, packaging with a carriage and lay packages with things and toys. Everything in blue and blue tones.

- What if it is a girl? - asked Marina.

- Yes, you, exactly the boy! - exclaimed her dad. - Otherwise, can not.

That day she had the feeling that her parents had more rights to the child than she herself, his mother.

Where is the maternal instinct

In front of the day of birth, everything went wrong. Marina became bad at work, she was taken to the hospital. If you do not dive into diagnoses, you can briefly say - due to its health status, an urgent operation was required under general anesthesia. Marina fell asleep, and when I woke up, I learned that now she has a son.

She looked at the infant and did not feel any special feelings. Well, baby, well, cute, but where is the maternal instinct?

But her parents had enthusiasm beat the key. Mom outdated with chlorine both apartments. Dad bought another infant things. Stepan rejoiced with them.

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- How do you call him from the steppa? - asked the mother of Marina.

"I don't know ..." said a young mother.

It seems to her pregnancy liked the name Maxim, and Stepan - Sergey.

- Name you with dad. As you wish.

Parents talked to Stepan and chose the name Andrei. So the boy and recorded.

Flight to work

Marina cared for him at home, tried to establish breastfeeding. But it never woke up the most maternal love.

After a couple of weeks after the birth, she had only milk had lost. No measures helped to restore it. Yes, Marina did not really want. On the first day, on the mixture of the baby in turn fed from the bottle all family members.

She watched the faces of her parents, when they hold the grandson. It did not happen to her.

Andryusha was already almost a month when Marina called from work and asked if she could go for a couple of hours to train a new employee.

- Is it really replaced by me? She was frightened. - What if after the decree, I can't go to my position?

Marina raised this question on the family council.

"I am a pensioner," said her dad. - I can do grandson.

"For sure," His mother supported. - There is such an option. I have a little to a pension, I will place your child's leave for me. And you go, work. Do not feed anyway. With the departure we can handle, do not worry.

"My son does not know that I am his mother"

In the coming days, Marina returned to his career. Cot and other things Andryushi moved to the apartment of the parents so that she could be satisfied.

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She worked so much and passionately that she saw her child only on the weekend. He was good at her grandparents. Andryusha rose strong and intelligent.

Passed almost a year, Marina strengthened his position at work. For the first time took a vacation. In the morning, holding a husband to the office, came to parents. In the children's chair, a ruddy kid was sitting and chatted.

- Mum! - he clearly exclaimed.

- Wow! - a woman was delighted. - He learned me!

"It's not you," Grandpa told her. "He's calling us for a long time by mom and dad." But for you he has a word. Andryush, who is it?

- Maine! - said the boy.

- How do we say Step?

- Töp!

- See, knows everyone! - Jerinin Pope rejoiced.

"My son does not know that I am his mother," a treacherous thought flashed in her head.

In the evening, Marina told his parents that he would take the baby to sleep towards himself. They objected, but then agreed. But Andryusha did not like this idea. He cried and cried until he had reached the suffocating hysteria.

Among the night, Marina delivered him to her grandfather and grandmother, who did not even understand what happened.

In safe hands

In the morning she went to walk to the farm market, bought fruit, vegetables, berries. He came home with huge bags, Half his neighbor apartment.

"Thank you, of course, but the Andryushi is allergic to these berries," Mom explained to her.

- Why didn't you tell me about it? - Marina was surprised.

- Yes, somehow I did not have to go. And why do family sores discuss?

- Then, that is my child.

- Well, you know that he is in religious hands.

This is Marina and truth knew. With her parents Andryusha was better than with her. They loved him. And she ... She still could not take the fact that she was now a child.

Mom has become superfluous

Marina still does not understand what exactly it was pushed to seek help to a psychologist. Over the following years, she changed several specialists. All as one, called its infantile position. She was recommended to take the child, her husband and leave, as far as possible.

The same young woman herself felt that it would not be the right decision. She came home where he saw happy, not by the years of developed baby, surrounded by love. I saw the eyes of her parents burn. As if they became young again. Marina understood that he would never be able to divide such people loving each other.

Her son became brother for her. And, probably, in the life of this family, it is precisely such a variant of the development of events. And maybe everything can be changed.

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