"Kazakhtelecom" decided to teach journalists with ethics, and the daughter of the deceased declared persecution


"Kazakhtelecom" decided to teach journalists with ethics, and the daughter of the deceased declared persecution

Astana. 10th of March. KazTAG - Kazakhtelecom JSC after publishing a series of materials about the opening of an account in the name of Nurlan Abilgaysanov 1.5 years after his death and accrual on him, debts decided to teach the journalists with ethics, and the daughter of the deceased declared the persecutions from the alleged employees of the national telecom operator.

"A huge request to adhere to the norms of corporate ethics," Press secretary of "Kazakhtelecom" Sarah Bakirov wrote a journalist KazTAG on Wednesday.

Message arrived after the editorial office was still able to keep the word and provide updated information regarding why the operator considers the connection of services to the name of Abilgaysanov in the village of Sagabuyen Aksu district of the Almaty region, while he lived in the village of Egyss, and in Sagabyen He is not even relatives.

Shortly before this promise, after the situation gained a resonant character, Bakirov once stated a journalist that in the future, new requests need to be issued on an official form with printing and signed by the first head of the media or his deputy, and to send to the official email address. At the same time, this requirement did not apply to the request to which she promised to give a refined answer.

The editors, re-referring to the old demand, indicated that it could reflect the failure to respond to whatsapp requests after the resonance caused in further publications. Bakirova regarded this as a threat and demanded an official request, arguing that he allegedly declared this "repeatedly", although in fact it is not. At the same time, the promised clarification on the question given earlier did not follow. As not followed by the comment on information on the persecution of Nazgul Abilgaysanova and its mother by the persons submitted by the staff of Kazakhtelecom. The reference to the need to comply with Ethics Bakirov also does not specify how ethical these actions in relation to the family, on the father of which, after his death, illegally issued services and "hung" debts.

"They are looking for me at the address of residence and other addresses in Taldykorgan. Come to my house. Yesterday, late in the evening, the employee "Kazakhtelecom" and came home to Aul (village Egy's - KazTag) to my mother and persuaded to pick up the statement. This woman stated that the leadership of this scandal plans to massively dismiss everyone. Today it writes again and calls mom. We have already survived a lot because of the "Kazakhtelecom" after the death of the Father, and they do not leave us alone, "said Nazgul Abilgaysanova Editorial.

She also reported that the prosecutor's office after the statements submitted on March 9 had already been done about the illegal design of the "Kazakhtelecom" services.

We will remind, on March 4, it became known that Kazakhtelecom himself opened his account on the deceased and charged debts in the Aksi district of the Almaty region. It is noteworthy that the account was opened in the village of Sagabuyen, in which neither the deceased nor his relatives ever lived, being inhabitants of the village of Egyss.

"When I tried to apply, the investigator dissuaded me. It turned out that they all know each other there and this was all tested by the "Kazakhtelecom" operator, on the basis of the data from somewhere on the disability of my father. Police and staff "Kazakhtelecom" persuaded me not to raise the noise and pick up a statement, with me, "Kazakhtelecom" employees threw off and closed the debt, and stated that the subscriber account is also closed. "Kazakhtelecom" even issued a certificate of the absence of debts. That operator then flew quickly to another place and it works peacefully. After that, there was a year and yesterday the dad was put on the name of the Pope, "the daughter of the deceased appeaset on March 4.

On March 5, "Kazakhtelecom" recognized the opening of the account to the name of the deceased and accrual of debts on him, but he considered his actions substantiated. At the same time, how the connection at the specified address in Sagabuene is reasonable, if Nurlan Abilgiansanov lived all his life in Egy's, the national operator did not explain.

In the press service of "Kazakhtelecom" on the same day, they promised to provide a refined response on this occasion, however, the editors skeptically evaluates the likelihood of obtaining clear comments, since the "answers received on March 5, several preceding appeals of the agency's journalists remained unanswered. Neither the head of the press service of Kazakhtelecom Sarabi Bakirov nor the Chairman of the Board of Kuanysh Essekheyev did not comment on March 5 many other critical materials with complaints about the actions of the Nationalist.

On March 9, Native Abilgayisanov filed to the court to the court and appealed on the actions of the Nationalist to the prosecutor's office. On the same day, a certain "ABILYRO ZHUMABA NUKENOVICH" came to Abilgaysanova, which introduced as the head of the division of the National Operator in the Sarakan district of the Almaty region and suggested money for the refusal of complaints. In a conversation with a journalist KazTAG, it turned out that the actions on the opening of an account on the deceased after his death after his death without the knowledge of his relatives offered money does not consider fraud, and does not consider that the "Kazakhtelecom" is committed a serious violation.

The case in the Aksusky district of the Almaty region is far from the first to when "Kazakhtelek" this kind of claim is presented. Thus, on January 15, he was reported that a resident of Kostanaya accused the national operator that he "under the cumsions" attributes to subscribers to subscribers ", and on February 14, the Kazakhstan journalist Inna Rudakov accused Kazakhtelecom in setting accounts for months, the missing Internet and accrual of penalties for Lack of payment for not services provided.

Even earlier - in the spring of 2020, KazTAG reported that the prosecutor's office in Kostanay demanded to recognize the charges of the contracts with consumers who signed a contract with the condition for providing certain discounts for early termination of the contract. The telecom operator ordered subscribers to produce a double payment or compensate the difference in tariffs between the cost of a standard package and a package with a discount, considering it by reimbursement of the difference.

The court eventually stood on the side of the monopolist, stating that dual payment is a coordinated solving of the operator and the subscriber. The prosecutor's office emphasized that not all buyers of the preferential package understood which document to sign, pointing to the fact that we were paying for not the services provided illegally.

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