Allah Akbar, the mosque passed us and move from Uliva on Dalkhimprom


In 2011, the Chairman of the School of Time Viktor Gorchakov, and in the summer of 2012, was stated on the need to allocate land for the mosque in Vladivostok, and in the summer of 2012, the first stone was laid. She was planned to build by 2014 in the "Large Ulysses" stop on the street Catering, i.e. On the way with Churkin on Patrole. After that, the symbolic stone further did not move on geological surveys.

Allah Akbar, the mosque passed us and move from Uliva on Dalkhimprom 12188_1
Allah Akbar, mosque passed us and move from Ulysses on Dalkhimprom ADM

But in the fall of 2015, the city planning board suddenly approved this project. The total mosque area was planned about 700 square meters. meters and was designed for 500 praying. Also, it was also assumed to build an "administrative and economic building" with a place for ablutions, cabinets and educational classes for classes.

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Allah Akbar, mosque passed us and move from Ulysses on Dalkhimprom ADM

Then Gradsovens asked the designers to pay attention to parking spaces, including a parking lot, which would probably get Muslims from other parts of Primorye. Considering what traffic jams are going to the Mine Town Park area from a chapel House on Shepetkov 33 Placement of a mosque over Ulisy Covena would create difficulties on this main direction from the city to the Russian island and at the bypass track.

Residents of this 32-Apartments on Shepettkov often complain about the noise during collective prayer. Here are hundreds of parishioners and use a microphone with soundsaw. Namaz coincides with the "hour of silence", when children sleep in homes and the nearest kindergarten.

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Allah Akbar, mosque passed us and move from Ulysses on Dalkhimprom ADM

The failed governor of Primorye Andrei Tarasenko at the meeting with the delegation of the Republic of Tatarstan said in early 2018, which will begin construction already in the spring. The press service of the edge administration reported that Tarasenko gave the appropriate instructions to the departments of urban planning, transport and road enterprises, as well as representatives of the Vladivostok administration. Experts argue that "orders" contained a hint of "not to rush", because Despite the fact that the Russian Federation is a secular state, but the "green light" power includes only for Orthodoxy, so the Muslims even lost the land that they were allocated to the construction of a mosque on Ulyvsey and now in this picturesque place is a non-life warehouse.

And after another 2 years, it was decided to build this mosque in the Dalkhimprom area, the landmark - Carotic, 30. If Ulysses could be called a distance, now it is at all the backyards of Vladivostok, but the path to the cartridge will not experience difficulties on traffic. The Department of the Internal Policy reported that last year he conducted a compassion among residents of Vladivostok, according to which 78% of citizens do not object to the construction of a mosque in the area.

Construction oversees and finances the Republic of Tatarstan, the project cost of construction is more than 100 million rubles. The Government of the Primorsky Territory, in turn, ensures the allocation of a land plot for the construction of a mosque, and also helps to solve other organizational and technical issues as part of their powers.

Allah Akbar, the mosque passed us and move from Uliva on Dalkhimprom 12188_4
Allah Akbar, mosque passed us and move from Ulysses on Dalkhimprom ADM

This land is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense and currently flows the process of setting the area for cadastral records and transfer it to the ownership of the region and we know how much these questions are solved by the military, this time it is stated that in the summer there may begin construction. Optimism of parishioners can add only the fact that the people from Tatarstan have quite fruitfully worked in 2020 over several construction projects in Vladivostok. All of them are secular - these are the squares, which are erected by the municipal directorate of public spaces.

Allah Akbar, the mosque passed us and move from Uliva on Dalkhimprom 12188_5
Allah Akbar, mosque passed us and move from Ulysses on Dalkhimprom ADM

The total area of ​​the new project mosque will be 420 square meters. meters, i.e. 2 times less than the former (275.79 sq. Meters the first floor, 148.4 square meters - the second). The mosque is welded 2 chairs: large on 179 square meters. meters and small (female) - on 36.49 sq. M. meters, as well as the Imam room, wardrobes and technical premises. The height of the dome of the mosque will be 15 meters, the height of minarets - 28 meters.

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