Why Pierre Cardin left Dior and for which he loved the USSR: 8 of the main facts about the fashion designer


Yesterday, Pierre Cardin died - the famous designer was 98 years old. Remember the most interesting facts from his biography:

He became interested in the design of 8 years

Pierre was an eleventh child in the family. Soon after his birth, the family from Italy moved to France. Little Pierre became interested in sewing dresses for her dolls, sewed clothes for the family and even sometimes performed orders of neighbors. At 13, he has already become a tailor assistant.

Why Pierre Cardin left Dior and for which he loved the USSR: 8 of the main facts about the fashion designer 12177_1

Photo: ThebluePrint.ru.

Pierre Cardin worked as an accountant and studied from Christian Diora

During the Second World War, he became an accountant of the Red Cross - this ability he was useful, and in the future Pierre always did his finances himself. And after the war, he settled in the Dior's fashion house - there he became the main tailor. True, he was soon accused of "fashionable espionage" - allegedly he merged information about Liasons Dior. He considered it humiliating, quit and created his own brand - he was then 28 years old.

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Photo: ThebluePrint.ru.

Pierre Cardin was gay

In 1951, Cardin met Andre Oliver - French Kutyurier, who became his partner and on business, and in life. They were together for 40 years, until the death of Oliver - in 1993 he died of AIDS. True, the fashion designers were women: he lived with an actress Zhanna Moro for 4 years. Coco Chanel introduced them, and the actress knew about the orientation of the Carden. The couple wanted to have children, but they had nothing so did and they broke up with friends. This is what he talked about his orientation Cardin:

I slept with women, I slept with men. Im free person. I loved, unusual people loved and wished.
Why Pierre Cardin left Dior and for which he loved the USSR: 8 of the main facts about the fashion designer 12177_3

Photo: Kulturologia.ru.

It was excluded from high fashion syndicate

4 years after the opening of the brand, in 1954, Pierre Cardin became known to the world. Success brought a collection of dresses-bubbles. Soon it was excluded from a high fashion syndicate: the official reason was not called. Everyone had assumed that the case was in the PRêT-A-PORTER collection, that is, clothes available at the prices of all the segments of the population, which the designer released in 1959. Then he was accepted back, and people decided that he was a big innovator and deocratizing high fashion.

Why Pierre Cardin left Dior and for which he loved the USSR: 8 of the main facts about the fashion designer 12177_4

Photo: ThebluePrint.ru.

Pierre Cardin Shil for The Beatles and became the richest designer in the world

Among his regular customers were actress Rita Hayworth, the first lady of Argentina Eva Pereon and Marlene Dietrich. And in 1986 he was recognized as a rich designer in the world - all thanks to the licenses he sold. By the end of the 80s, the name Pierre Karen was not only on the tags of dresses, but also on the dishes, keys and pencil holders.

Why Pierre Cardin left Dior and for which he loved the USSR: 8 of the main facts about the fashion designer 12177_5

Photo: ThebluePrint.ru.

10 years without shows

From 2000 to 2010 shows in the fashion house Pierre Cardin were not held. All this time, the designer was engaged in exhibitions, the opening of the museum, the creation of perfumery and cooperation with other brands.

He loved strange real estate

And the old castles and houses all over the world were scared - his unusual pupyr house is known for the whole world and costs a fortune. Here we told about it and made a selection of photos of this very strange house, which looks like a cancer tumor.

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Photo: Metalocus.es.

Cardin loved the USSR, and his muse was Maya Plisetskaya

For the first time, Cardin came to the union in 1963, and then came about 30 times - he was even nicknamed with red couturies. He had several factories in Russia, and in 1991 he conducted a fashion show right on Red Square - here we have gathered the coolest pictures from this show. True, with Maya he met not in Russia, but in Avignon - they immediately found a common language and became close friends. Pierre made her face of his brand and sewed costumes and ballet packs for her.

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Photo: ThebluePrint.ru.

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