All about winter trimming of dwarf apple trees


Good afternoon, my reader. Sigor winter frosts are not suitable for trimming apple trees. You need to wait for time when the air temperature stabilizes and will be no less than 3-5 ° C. For the implementation of the procedure, the day without precipitation at the end of winter is suitable. We do not recommend slowing with trimming: when the sludge will begin, the tree will be difficult to heal the wounds, and the consequence of such a problem will be the deterioration of its flowering.

All about winter trimming of dwarf apple trees 12170_1
All about the winter trimming of dwarf apple trees

Apple tree trim (Photo used by standard license ©

The trimming of a miniature apple tree does not require a large number of fixtures, it will be enough of a punishment of a secator, suchkoresis and acute hacksaw to remove branches from an adult plant. The secateur remove branches with a thickness of up to 1.5 cm, suchkores - up to 2.5-3 cm, and more sturdy we recommend cutting.

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All about the winter trimming of dwarf apple trees

Winter Garden (Photo with

If you are going to open the crown or tree has achieved too high growth, a stepladder will be necessary. Thanks to this fixture on the plant, you can look at all angles and simplify the procedure.

The end of February is a favorable time for sanitary and forming trimming. Usually, the emphasis is done on the second, since it is easy to identify branches that have grown in vain, and to identify the frozen twigs will not turn out. It is necessary to inspect the tree from all sides, choose the stems that interfere with the rest and are subject to removal.

Start trimming - the liberation of the tree from the wolf. On the apple tree they are less common than in a pear, but still there. This part of the crown does not bring any benefit, it is best to remove the thirsty.

Some branches of the apple tree can grow incorrectly: they are directed to the crown center and interfere with the rest. A strong increase in the previous season may indicate the incorrect formation of branches.

Even on the dwarf apple trees, weave of shoots may appear, although this phenomenon is more characteristic of representatives of tall varieties.

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All about the winter trimming of dwarf apple trees

Winter trimming of an apple tree (photos from

If you discovered the weave of the branches, you need to cut the least valuable element. Otherwise, the plants may suffer from wind gusts, wounds and damage will appear through which an infection can fall.

The dwarf apple tree can actively grow and stretch out for the season, and in order to avoid thickening the crown, it is regularly revealed and crushed.

10-20 cm - the average annual increase in the dwarf apple tree. To give an apple tree, a more aesthetic appearance, the branch crowns are crushed out of the contour, it stimulates adhesive.

These uncomplicated procedures are limited to winter trimming of dwarf apple trees. It is important to conduct it quickly and on time, before the start of the deploration. Proper trimming is the key to the abundant fruiting of the plant.

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