"At 10 years old I decided that I am a genius": 7 quotes girls with a narcissistic personality disorder


A girl with a narcissistic disorder of personality told how to live with it and from where it takes. They took a few bright quotes from her text:

How to determine Narcissa

"It seems that there is nothing special in narcissism. In Moscow, this disorder suffers from every fifth, and in Instagram - every second. What I know for sure, so this is that narcissism does not require sympathy. If you get into the search for YouTube, this word will get out tens of videos telling how to calculate Narcissus and resist him. They are drawn as people, the only interest of which is to abuse you to infinity. "

How to bring up daffodils

"My grandmother and grandfather were perfect. My father is also (according to grandmother). True, he shouted and beat me, but still all around did the view that he was cool. I swore at the fourth. Parents generally interested in little interest, besides my estimates. I had to be a clever. And an ideal future wife. Even before school, I knew how to read, count, write, play chess and swim by Brass. And therefore, I was madly boring at school. "

You will prefer to someone else

"I considered myself better and smarter than other children (my school was mediocre). In 10 years, so generally decided that I am a genius. True on TV has always shown some more ingenious children who really liked my grandmother. She constantly told me: "Look, what a good girl! As sings! And what dress! ". By the way, it is these grandmother's words formed in me the painful conviction that I would always prefer to someone else. Such simple, such frequently repeated words! "

Comparison of yourself with others

"I recently caught myself that if I see someone on a party, who dressed better me, I was upset. Previously, I did not even realize it, just immediately got the injection "Look, again someone better than you, and you shit" and went further. Today I can stop and ask yourself: "What is it generally? Is it normal, think so? ". Although in fact it's just an echo of the extremely toxic setting of comparison me with others, which I learned from my grandmother. But this installation is in the root of incorrect. "

Pluses of narcissism

"The constant depreciation and painful perfectionism pushed Narcissus ahead. There are a lot of people with such a disorder in the fashion industry, in the field of art, among top managers and entrepreneurs. The path that ordinary person will pass in seven years, Narcissus can go through two years. In this sense, being a Narcissal class: I did a career and not blinking. "

Cons Narcissism

"But also narcissism can get you to the very bottom. I suffered strong depressions. I had problems with alcohol and drugs. In my relationship there was always a lot of chaos. All my life I felt terribly alienated and lonely. In this sense, I am a Narcissa loser. I did not want to have crowds of fans, but I wanted to have real friends. Although okay, fans too. But I often felt that the charm I would quickly go out in people, but I didn't know how to build strong connections. "

How to stop being daffodil

"After 2 years of therapy, I ceased to seem to me that my life must certainly be some kind of unique and special. After all, it is the inconsistency of these overestimated requirements that have brought so much annoyance and disappointments. Today I go to the usual asphalt into a regular store for ordinary bread. I no longer want my life to be unique, because it is impossible that she is not so. And from this awareness I feel much happier. I began to spend less energy on maintaining a brilliant facade and more - for a real life. "

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