St. Petersburg headed the rating of the eventual potential of Russian regions 2020

St. Petersburg headed the rating of the eventual potential of Russian regions 2020 12137_1
St. Petersburg headed the rating of the eventual potential of Russian regions 2020 PRSPB

The R & C Exhibition Center summed up the results of 2020 and presents the seventh annual rating of the eventual potential of Russian regions. The past year became a serious challenge for the development of all sectors of the economy and social sphere of regions, however, the tourist and event industry was among the most affected by the pandemic crisis.

In this regard, when calculating the rating, according to the results of 2020, the influence of new negative factors was taken into account. As part of the study, five groups of indicators are considered that have the most significant impact on the development of regional event industry markets:

  • availability of specialized infrastructure and material and technical base;
  • Availability of a program to promote the region as a tourist destination in the domestic and foreign markets;
  • availability of approved policy development policies of the region's congress and exhibition potential;
  • experience of attracting and conducting significant high-level events;
  • Tourist attractiveness and transport accessibility of Destination.

In 2020, the number of indicators of the Third Group made an assessment of regional measures to support the Congress and Exhibition Industry during the Pandemic period. The indicators of the first group were also clarified, namely the modernization of specialized congress and exhibition complexes was taken into account. This is due to the fact that many regions refused to build plans for new sites and limited themselves to the renovation of existing ones, redistributing finance in favor of the costs of fighting a pandemic. Taking into account the fact that in 2020 the events were held both in offline and online, the scores for participation and conduct were counted the region for each possible option.

The initial pool of the rating includes all Russian regions and cities that are their administrative centers. Traditionally, Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, as well as the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol are considered in tandemes due to the community of socio-economic development. Sochi as a dinner, originally developing for events, is ranked separately from the Krasnodar Territory. The indicators of Moscow and the Moscow Region are not included in the rating due to the rest of the regions by the level of development of the event industry.

It should be noted here that in 2020, the separation of the United Moscow region from the ranking leaders was minimal for all the years of research. Spring Lokdaun, restrictions on activities during the year, as well as forced, but very tangible reduction in the budget for the promotion of Destination had their negative impact. St. Petersburg, which even in crisis, retained high level of activity in promotion both in the domestic and foreign market, near the capital's indicators.

The five rating leaders changed slightly: St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan and Sochi retained their position, and at the 5th place from the 6th, Ufa rose, pusing Krasnodar to the 7th place. The Republic of Bashkortostan has not reduced business activity even during the period of the full locked. An example is to hold a major international online forum "Peace after Coronavirus: a look from the heart of Eurasia." In addition, a package of measures for supporting the industry has been adopted in the region.

In the top three leaders, the gap in the number of points is minimal. Ekaterinburg, superior to the amount of points for the development of infrastructure and Kazan, and St. Petersburg, is slightly inferior to them in the number of events attracted. Kazan, guiding a significant effort to attract international events in the business, cultural and sports field, is inferior to regions leaders in the coordination of the industry. The lack of a strategy for the development of cogress and exhibition activities is one of the main factors impeding further growth in the ranking. Sochi, who held the 4th place, worsened the final amount of points that aggravated the separation from the leaders. For its elimination, revision of the development strategy and the formation of a complex of measures for the support of the Event industry, as well as more active efforts to promote. Ufa, consistently improving his position in the ranking over all seven years of its existence, can continue growth by attracting major events, including congresses of international associations.

Caliningrad moved close to the leaders, where in 2020 his own tourist brand JOINKALININGRAD appeared, which was actively moving at Russian exhibitions. The best growth rates demonstrated Yaroslavl, which rose to 14 positions and took the 18th place. Also significantly improved their position in the rating of Primorsky Krai (+8), Kemerovo region (+6), Kamchatka (+6) and Vladimir region (+5). Movement is due to maintaining the support and development of the Congress and Exhibition Industry in the regions, participation in events promoting promotion in external and domestic markets, as well as efforts to attract major events in the medium term.

The most significant deterioration in the final amount of points in the composition of the first twenty was recorded from Irkutsk (-7) and Rostov (-6) regions. The negative dynamics of the Rostov region is due to the lack of regional measures for supporting the congress and exhibition industry. The Irkutsk region last year significantly reduced the presence of both the Russian and foreign events of the tourist and events of the Industry.

Summing up the study, it can be noted that 2020 produced almost a complete resetting of the foundations of the event industry - forced to revise historically established methods for organizing interaction, activities of events, legislative and regulatory and technical base. Restarting processes depends on how quickly and flexibly all participants in the industry will be able to rebuild their business processes in accordance with the requirements of the new reality, and the authorities are to develop effective sectoral administration and regulation models. The past 2020 showed that in the regions there were various models of countering the spread of coronavirus infection and, as a result, different conditions of the functioning of the industry. A common factor was almost the widespread reduction in industry financing programs and the refusal of activities related to development and promotion. Many projects of capital construction of industry facilities are frozen and transferred to an indefinite period, which nominates the issues of modernization and major repairs of existing complexes to the fore. And, of course, the most essential remains aspect of the industry support: almost all participants in the first twenty rating in 2020 included enterprises of the Congress and Tourist industries to regional lists of the affected business. Many regions also stored financial support and subsidizing sectoral projects.

Top 20 rating of the eventual potential of the regions of Russia

Region City Place 2020 Dynamics 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 St. Petersburg

and Leningrad region

St. Petersburg 1 - 1 1 1 - - Sverdlovsk Region Ekaterinburg 2 - 2 2 2 2 2 2 REPUBLIC Tatarstan Kazan 3 - 3 4 5 5 4 3 Krasnodar Territory Sochi 4 - 4 3 3 3 1 1 Republic Bashkortostan Ufa 5 +1 6 6 8 11 7 13 Kaliningrad region Kaliningrad 6 +5 11 8 16 20 - - Krasnodar Krasnodar Krasnodar 7 -2 5 7 4 4 3 6 Krasnoyarsk Territory Krasnoyarsk 8 +2 10 21 17 15 - 4 Samara SAMARA region 9 -1 8 16 18 18 12 11 Primorsky Krai Vladivostok 10 +8 18 10 6 6 - - Nizhny Novgorod Region Nizhny Novgorod 11 -4 7 5 7 8 - 5 Chelyabinsk Region Chelyabinsk 12 +3 15 20 10 12 - - Kamchatka Krai Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 13 +6 19 17 - - - - - Murmansk region Murmansk 14 +3 17 9 12 13 - 14 Rostov region Rostov-on-Don 15 -6 9 15 11 7 5 8 Volgograd region Volgograd 16 +4 20 19 - 33 - - Kemerovo region Kemerovo 17 + 6 23 27 48 37 - - Yaroslavl region Yaroslavl 18 +14 32 31 9 10 6 12 Irkutsk region Irkutsk 19 -7 12 12 15 17 8 9 Vladimir region Vladimir 20 +5 25 30 - - - -

Source: Vniz R & C

You can get acquainted with the full text of the study on the website of the Vniz R & C:

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