Familiar stranger, or a few interesting facts about the strawberry


    Good afternoon, my reader. Strawberry love both adults and children for her delightful taste and aroma. Interestingly, there are some curious facts about this plant, which are not known to everyone.

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    Familiar stranger, or a few interesting facts about nonsense nonsense

    Strawberry Ginochka (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    The correct name of the berries that grow on our gardens is a garden strawberry. In Russia, the strawberry was called a wild berry, growing in the forest and in the meadows, which was much larger than strawberries. And now this name passed on the strawberry Pineapple, which was brought to Russia from other countries.

    Good news for sweet tooths and those who protect the shape. Garden strawberry almost contains calories. In addition, it has an antacid substance that helps to remove excess sugar from the body. Therefore, it can be bolder even with sugar.

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    Familiar stranger, or a few interesting facts about nonsense nonsense

    About Strawberries (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    In 2015, Japanese Kijdzo Nakao raised the tuber weighing 250 grams. According to his daughter, her taste did not differ from the taste of the fruit of ordinary size.

    Only in California harvests are harvested more than a billion tons.

    The fact that we used to call berry turns out to be a consequence on which the seeds of nuts are located. They can be on one blossom up to 200 pieces. By the way, this is the only berry that the seeds are located outside, and not inside.

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    Familiar stranger, or a few interesting facts about nonsense nonsense

    Facts about strawberries (photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    It contains zinc, which is responsible for sexual excitement in men and women. Using these fruits, you can improve your mood, because they contain vitamins of group V.

    In 100 grams of fruits there are 59 milligrams of vitamin C, and in frozen - a little less, 41.2 milligrams.

    Scientists found out that strawberries have 35 thousand genes, and a person has only 25 thousand.

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    Familiar stranger, or a few interesting facts about nonsense nonsense

    Strawberry Care (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    Such a museum is in Belgium in the city of Zpion.

    It contains substances similar to Aspirin, helping to fight it. So pills can be replaced with a delicious natural medicine.

    It can be used as a face mask, because the fruits contain vitamins and antioxidants, which help in smoothing wrinkles and skin rejuvenation.

    Thanks to the work of breeders, a large number of varieties have been displayed, among which there are berries with pink and even yellow color. In the 18th century, even existed a white strawberry as a result of the crossing of strawberries and pineapple, but this variety, unfortunately, was lost.

    Strawberries, or garden strawberries, is a truly luxurious gift to God to people.

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