What is authenticity or what to be ourselves and live their lives


    People who are afraid of being them are often coming to my self-determination rate. They cannot behave naturally and be freer in their desires and actions. They suppress emotions and do not know how to listen to themselves. All this is the symptoms of the lack of authenticity.

    What is authenticity or what to be ourselves and live their lives 12133_1

    The non-authentic life tires, causes depression and can bring to depression and anxiety. When we think and feel one thing, but we speak and do another - it definitely does not lead to inner harmony and happiness.

    Some people are so accustomed to wearing a mask that over time, at all lose contact with them and, when making decisions, use purely external criteria:

    • fashionable? useful? I buy, even if not really needed and like
    • Do you think well think about me? satisfying their needs, scoring on your
    • Parents or friends approve? Will I look cool in the eyes of others? I do without much enthusiasm, soothing yourself that everything is ok and I like

    Authenticity is loyalty to yourself.

    ⒈ A authentic person is honest with himself: he is not afraid to look at the truth and take some unpleasant facts about himself.

    2. A authentic person knows himself well: he understands and can easily formulate his desires, interests, principles, strengths and weaknesses. He hears his inner voice and does what he wants, and does not try to please others.

    3. A authentic person takes responsibility for his life: he is responsible for his actions and their consequences, he opposes pressure from the outside and makes decisions based on their own beliefs and principles. He himself is the Creator of his life.

    In general, authenticity is pleasant by itself. When our actions coincide with our thoughts and feelings, the feeling of harmony and calm is born inside. And the feeling of respect and gratitude to myself for the fact that you do not betray yourself.

    If you look at research in which you compare authentic and non-authentic people, we will see that authentic people (sources at the end of the article):

    • happier
    • live in harmony with others and have a stronger relationship with people
    • Persistent with respect to goals
    • better cope with stress
    • have more meaning in life

    In general, the authenticity helps us take the best decisions for yourself and go through the life path that will cause us a sense of pride and satisfaction.

    I liked the formula that a positive psychologist Stephen Joseph suggested:

    I want to tell in detail about each component of the formula on the air, because in one article all information simply does not fit. I will spend it on Friday on January 15 in my instagram at 20.00. Come, I will disassemble:

    • Why do we behave unauthorized
    • What fears for this lies
    • how to be ourselves and learn to listen inner voice



    • Vainio, M.M., Daukantaitė, D. (2016), 'Grit and Different Aspects of Well-Being: Direct and Indirect Relationships Via Sense of Coherence and Authenticity'
    • Kifer, Y., Heller, D., Perunovic, W.Q.E., Galinsky, A.D. (2013), 'The Good Life of the Powerful: The Experience of Power and Authenticity Enhances Subjective WELL-Being "
    • Wickham, R.E. (2013), 'Authenticity in Romantic Partners'

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