In the Ivanovo region began to fight harassment in schools

In the Ivanovo region began to fight harassment in schools 12108_1

He was initiated by Children's Ombudsman Tatiana Ocean. Ivanovskiy News found out how to resist the harassment in school and how responsibility is relying for it

Project # is aimed at legal enlightenment of residents in order to prevent bulling at school. The project is addressed to experts working with children, psychologists, parents, minors.

"A project is being implemented in the Instagram social network. In the account @net_travli, there is information about what is trauma, its signs and causes, methods of prevention, preventing mechanisms. What if the injury began and why the injury should not be confused with unpopularity, the aggressive behavior of a particular child, school conflict, as well as many other useful information, "notes the authorized for the rights of the child in the Tatiana Ocean region.

Everyone can subscribe or simply familiarize themselves with the materials placed in the account.

Meanwhile, Ivanovsky News asked the famous Ivanovsky psychologist hopeing Motorina, as a trace at school, can affect the further fate of the child.

- Families are addressed to me on school trauma. Someone called someone from the guys, insulted, someone spoiled things. These are children from 10 to 12 years, whose school years will not be associated with communication, friendship and first love.

These guys will remember classmates with offend, fear, and bewilderment. It is important to understand that injury (bulling, mobbing) is not a problem of a particular child who has become a victim of children's aggression. Grass is a problem and trouble of the whole group of children. In particular the curriculum. And it is necessary to fight her together, everyone together: teachers, children and parents.

Adults mistakenly believe that injury is a natural process of developing a children's team. This error can lead to sad consequences. When a systematic, systematic, emotional and \ or physical pressure of a group (or aggressor, with the support of the group) per child, is not a lesson of life, not the development of a group of children, but violence.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is call things with your own names and give an unambiguous assessment of what is happening. Children, should understand that the injury is unacceptable, and the excuses of the type "He himself started", "he is somehow not like that", "himself is to blame", in no case justify the disgusting actions.

Secondly, it is very dangerous to confuse the injury with other problems in the school environment.

Often betrayed with unpopularity in the classroom. A child may hardly install contacts with peers, he does not take into the game, he does not have friends, but he does not insult him, do not offend, do not spoil his things, do not cause physical pain. It is not an injury. This is the problem of the unpopular child.

Of course, the child is sad, hurt, lonely. And with this problem in the class can also be struggling. There are various techniques and methods for creating a success situation for such guys. But these methods will not work with injury.

A child who is subject to violence is experiencing another spectrum of feelings - he is scary for his life. And methods of increasing popularity (important assignments, the main role in the performance, personal exhibition of drawings, conversations about the hobbies of the child, etc.) during the injury can provoke a new outbreak of aggression.

As a rule, the "pet" teacher, successful in school, and also a talented child, to strive becoming even tempting.

After we definitely determined that we are dealing with the injury, called it, and gave an unequivocal assessment of the situation, it is necessary to start working with the whole group of children.

Each child must understand that everything is suffering from injury. Not only the one who was not lucky enough to become a victim. The aggressor suffers, because he gets a negative experience of committing bad actions, witnesses suffer from a difficult selection situation. On the one hand, they understand that it is bad, but on the other - they are afraid to be at the sacrifice.

The teacher who receives the experience of powerlessness and despair suffers, the whole school suffers. Children should take an authoritative opinion of an adult (teacher, class teacher) and realize personal responsibility for what is happening. Children need to form the concept that the choice of any act the child does himself.

Children should understand the consequences of their choice. And only when the injury is stopped, you can already think about the work on the team education and the unification of the group. Children is important to belong to the group, feel involved in group decisions, and so that the children do not begin to unite "against one", it is already necessary to think about collectivism from the first class about collectivism, a common positive goal and cohesion of the team.

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