Losing parrot reacted to the curtains

Losing parrot reacted to the curtains 12052_1

My aunt, 25 years ago, lived a parrot of Gera. Aunt sheltered him out of pity, because the former mistress went to another city and was not going to take the bird with him. I don't know if he understood the gera, but he loved the aunt immediately by the Big Bird Love. I was then very small and adored to visit and communicate with the hero.

There was one unusual feature in the gee. He adored red. If a person was sent to him in a red jacket, the parrot immediately began to garnish. It was worth only to change clothes, Hera lost interest. I do not remember how it was found out, but the nuance is rather funny. Aunt even bought a cape for a red cell to please the cozers.

But somehow it happened terrible. The parrot flew out the window and disappeared. Everything happened by chance, as it happens in such cases. Gera was absolutely manual and practically did not get off the teethine shoulder. The windows and the world outside the apartment of the Gera were not interested at all. For details about that situation, Mom told me quite recently when I remembered and asked.

It turned out that then Gera was sitting on the windowsill, and there was a strong draft. Apparently, the window flap slammed, and the parrot just knocked out. The aunt immediately came running, but it was too late. Mom told that he disappeared her Valerian all day.

They were looking for a parrot nearby near the house and in neighboring courtyards. But, in vain. All neighbors almost cried when they saw how aunt walks around the courtyard with a red bedspread. She hoped that Gera somehow would notice the favorite thing and arrive. In those days, the miracle did not happen. It happened in a month.

The aunt returned home with heavy bags and sat on a shop to relax. Sits, looking at the balconies and sees that on the 5th floor (and she lived at 7) hanging some funny red curtains. Grinned about myself, they say, what tastes are strange in humans. And then jumped and ran knocking in that apartment.

At that moment, a miracle happened. She heard the cries of her ger. A neighbor told that a month ago a parrot flew to her and clogged into the corner. Do not drive out to the street. It was necessary to work urgently, she ran away. And worked almost entire days, so I did not know this story about which the whole house was shuffling.

Looks like a frightened parrot saw the curtains of his beloved red and rushed into the window. Poor just confused floors.

Joy was .... From that day aunt with that neighbor befits. Gera lived a long and happy life. But no longer approached the windows.

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