The national strategy in the interests of women for the near future discussed in Ugra

The national strategy in the interests of women for the near future discussed in Ugra 12051_1
The national strategy in the interests of women for the near future discussed in Ugra

On the eve of the International Women's Day in Ugra, the first Family Council was held this year. He was held by the governor Natalia Komarova. The council was joined by representatives of socially oriented NPOs, social activists, mother-entrepreneurs. They discussed an important document - a national strategy for women for the near future. It defines the path of development of social and demographic climate in the region.

Evgenia Cerenkova is a volunteer-medic from Khanty-Mansiysk. When the pandemic began, without thinking came to the rescue of Ugra. Volunteers delivered products, medicines, essential goods to those who were at self-insulation. Activists measure temperatures arriving in Ugra at airports and railway station. Worked in the registers and hot lines of dedmen. For disinterested assistance to people of volunteers-doctors received thanks from the President of the Russian Federation and the governor of Ugra Natalia Komarov. Honored awards were presented at a meeting of the Family Council.

Evgenia Cherenkov, an activist of the regional branch of the All-Russian social traffic "Volunteers-doctors": "I realized that we need our help. We can. And on adrenaline, on clear instructions of our federal colleagues, we could in a short time. They were inspired by what we make an important and very useful thing that we really need many. "

The main theme of the Family Council was the National Strategy for Women until 2022. This is a big plan for improving the social and demographic situation in the district.

Last year, despite the pandemic, all measures were taken in full. For example, at the expense of OMS, 1448 ECO procedures were made, 14 cabinets of perinatal diagnosis of violations of the child's development were organized in the clinics. Also 35 Ugra in the decree was trained in the federal educational project "Mom entrepreneur". By the way, almost 40%, that is, more than 19 thousand people, of all businessmen in Ugra, women.

This year there is a task to attract more Ugra in creative industries and create a mentoring project for leaders.

Natalya Komarova, Governor Ugra: "The main result of the implementation of the National Strategy is the success of a woman as a hostess, like moms, as a professional. And, speaking of the tasks of the national strategy of action in the interests of women for 2021, it is emphasized that our tasks that we formulate exactly comply with the approved Coordination Council under the Government of the Russian Federation, the main areas of work for 2021. "

In addition, in Ugra, a survey was conducted among women in the decree and young mothers who are now looking for work. The study was attended by more than 2,000 Ugra. The survey showed that 28.5% of moms with preschoolers want to learn training from the employment service. 41.4% of respondents prefer professional retraining, that is, getting a completely new specialty. 31.3% of the women surveyed noted that distance learning for them is most preferably in demand.

And the Family Council of Challenge entitled "Orange Thread" ended. It is devoted to the anniversary of the All-Russian action "We are together". Thread is a symbol of association and gratitude to doctors. The essence is simple: to say Thank you to those who fight a pandemic on the front line, and after passing the word to another person. Thus, one small tangle will be able to connect thousands of people throughout Russia.

Anastasia Soltis, activist of the regional branch of the All-Russian social movement "Volunteers-doctors": "This is such a conditional association of all those who are involved in the period of coronavirus infection. Transferring the thread, everyone who holds the tangle in her hands, says some kind of good words to doctors, volunteers or just to whom he wants to wish health, happiness and all the best. And transmits this tangle further. "

The Governor of Ugra Natalia Komarova joined the promotion.

The full broadcast of the Family Council can be viewed on the official page of the chapter of the region in "Instagram".

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