Depositors chose the most likely future of Bitcoin in 2021


Hello, dear readers of the website Investors do not doubt that the main cryptocurrency is still waiting for growth and success.

Almost all rating digital coins now demonstrate a stable gradual growth. If we talk about Bitcoin, then it is no exception. Over the past 7 days, growth amounted to approximately 4%.

The best result for the day showed Stellar (+ 24.4%). It is also a leader in a week of growth in all top 10 (+ 24.9%). The short time in Top-10 visited Dogecoin. But, a little later, he rolled back to the 12th position of the capitalization rating.

Depositors chose the most likely future of Bitcoin in 2021 12051_1

The users participating in the cryptosocial community noticed that Bitcoin began to grow after a solid operation for $ 130 million was carried out. More investors looked at a huge number of short-term positions of hedge funds on Bitcoin - they are able to adjust market rates.

Almost all participants in this sphere and further investigated the trend of the advanced course of the most famous digital coin. A strategist having his personal block under the nickname Squeeze, stressed the following important point: The current growth of Bitcoin was implemented within the boundaries of a narrowing triangle. After the figure closes completely, Bitcoin will begin rapidly grow in price.

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According to the trader under the nickname Inmortal Technique, his follovers should carefully look at the Bitcoin-implemented Bitcoin figure of a technical study called "Double Dream". It appeared randomly - it means that cryptocurrency is ready to grow rapidly. He also believes that for the transition to a positive direction, the digital coin must pass through the top border of the triangle.

Despite all of the foregoing, a popular trader, the developer of the S2F model of PLANB prediction laid out a special survey. The topic is next - investors are expected from the traffic of Bitcoin's course in the coming year. And the leaders of the vote at the current moment were the marks of $ 100 thousand and $ 288 thousand. A much smaller number of people votes for the option that cryptocurrency will not exceed the mark of $ 55 thousand.

While it is a study, the index of fear of investment in Bitcoin turned out to be in the "yellow" zone. Adjustments allow us to draw the following conclusion: market participants are no longer so interesting to invest in bitcoins. Most recently, the zone was "green" - that is, the maximum.


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