20+ are too creative gifts that would spoil the holiday


Choosing a gift to loved ones - the task is not easy. After all, even knowing the tastes, preferences and interests of a person, you can get to come. But the heroes of our today's selection faced the situation with the situation of a simple mistakes: they learned on their own experience that in choosing a gift, both small misses and enchanting failures occur.

We are in adme.ru, as you know, adore holidays and surprises. But now, after reading these stories, a little more understand the people who prefer to receive money on the birthday only money or certificates. And as a bonus at the end of the article, the story of a skillful revenge is waiting for you.

  • Daughters on March 8, the worker gave a red brick in a beautiful packaging. Probably it was a hint of a common house ... © Tamara Salieva / Facebook
  • For 4 years, a child of a thoughtful mother-in-law gave a whistle. Horror began: he enjoyed the gift constantly. The mother-in-law shone - the most necessary was a gift. After the week of our torment, I told the child that a gift can only be used by the grandmother, because it is her gift and you need to show how he is glad that it presented it. © bash.im.
  • The former husband bought me wireless headphones, although I warned to do not give me that. I presented with the words that this is the best gift, but since I did not appreciate it, it will leave him. © Cristina Mayer / Facebook
  • Once my uncle, who was always not the most pleasant man, gave me something packaged and it was very similar to the game console. What was my surprise when I turned the packaging and found some kind of metal puzzle there ... Apparently, he found it in some magazine. © HitchMeister / Reddit
  • My aunt and uncle gave me a broken typewriter for my birthday. It turns out before to give it to me, they gave her to play with her cousin. And he broke her. © s **** EEVERYDAY / REDDIT

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© nikitd1251 / Depositphotos

  • Once a music center presented me. You will think that this is a very cool gift, but the fact is that he was not my personal standing only in my room. Parents just decided precisely in my birthday to go and buy it, saying that this is a gift. But I somehow didn't need it. The most discerning that there was some kind of my cousin, whom I did not even know, and his parents bought a player came to us. He was sitting with a fashionable and new player, and I am with this music center. © Albina Yusupova / Yandex.Kew
  • On the 21st birthday, his father gave my sister to a truly cool gift. And I waited with anticipation and wondered what he would give me. That day it came, and what do you think? My gift was trousers. Yes, in which I look as if my pampers will be put on me. © ClandestineIntestine / Reddit
  • Former formerly at that time, the former boyfriend presented a discount (!) Card for his birthday. And specifically, congratulating, mentioned that he has a gift for me, and suggested to meet. The store was the only thing in the city and was at his work. Until now, to someone telling this story, no one was able to solve the idea. © Tatyana Gayirova / Facebook
  • When I was still a teenager, my cousin gave me his cool computer game. Oh, how I was then happy! And a couple of days later, he wrote me a message with a request to return a gift, because the update came for this game. © _Sauza_ / Reddit
  • And my mother-in-law for each of my holiday took previously presented things with the words: "This is mine, I brought for a while." © Kati Mitina / Facebook
  • My mother-in-law said: "I want to give you a pess hat. I do not wear it for 20 years. But you can paint it and wear. " I do not know what kind of face I had at this moment, because my husband hurts me with his foot under the table. And my inventious "Thank you, I do not wear fur," it seems, disappointed it. © Tatyana Ustinova / Facebook

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© T.Denteam / Depositphotos

  • But the worst gift was given to me my aunt. It should be immediately noted that she has a daughter (my cousin), which is 3 years younger than me. As I do not have native younger sisters, and the family of aunt is pretty poor, the cousin had to keep my old clothes. And, apparently, they were not always satisfied with my taste, so that my birthday gave me a set of clothes. He was great on me, but for the wonderful coincidence of the circumstances of my cousin came just. © hj **** M / Yandex.Kew
  • I somehow gave anti-aging cream. Everything would be nothing, just for me at that time it was 9 years old and the cream was clearly used: when I opened it, I discovered inside the hair. © M3714246 / Reddit
  • My father who does not live with us, gave me for 14 years ... Machine, new BMW. Leather interior, complete equipment. But then, when I talked to my mother, it turned out that the father simply confused gifts: the car was intended to be his daughter from another woman, which is the same as me, such a coincidence. © Eva Masonova / Yandex.Ku
  • The former husband gave me a carburetor. Given that then I didn't even have the right and the car too. I took after the holiday with the words: "What will be lying, and I will put in my car." © Catherine / Adme
  • I met with the cavalier of 4 months. He knew about my birthday and gave me a flower in a pot (palm) with words, they say, I'm sorry, there is no money. And everything would be nothing, but only he brought her from his house. Apparently, already gradually decided to transport my belongings to me. © Olga Shatnikova / Facebook
  • On my wedding aunt sent a gift with a courier - a huge box. And here I am all in anticipation, I open this box at home and I sit in shock - there was a set of Soviet dishes. Old, huge, dirty plates. © Marina MAA / Facebook

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  • A classmate has a sailor husband returned from France. She asked him to buy good French perfume. Already at home he gave her an empty bottle from under the water ... on her question: "What is it?" - replied: "Why do you need those spirits? I brought you the air of Paris! Enjoy! " © Vasilisa Timofeevna / Facebook
  • I once a friend gave lace panties in the awesome gift box. But when I got them out of the box, they just mooded in my hands. On bends literally "broke down" - the threads fumbled on time, apparently. And what do you think? It turned out that these panties were presented to her for 18 years, but since the size did not come up - she was a magnificent girl, - she threw them on the mezzanine and forgotten them safely. After a decade, disassembling the mezzanine, she found them, and since the pop became even more, decided to give them to someone. "Lucky" me. © Olga Nikitina / Facebook
  • For last birthday (I was 26 years old) Dad presented a new brilliant brush for toilet bowl. I tried to portray joy, but it did not work out. And my father was a little upset because of this, said, they say, I do not appreciate his attention. © Alexey Kozlove / Yandex.Kew
  • My grandmother appeared for the new year, the rooster gave ... lively. I come home, I go into the bathroom, and there - the rooster. As a result, they gave to the village, familiar. © Alexandra Marchenko / Facebook
  • Now sit comfortably and hold onto the armrests. I will tell you about a gift, after which the devil in hell earned a complex of inferiority. It was in the 80s. My dad-fisherman came from a semi-annual flight. In the trade university, he is told: "Recently was February 23, go to the room, choose a gift." Dad comes there and sees - the sailors who have not been at home for half a year, the trade uniform awarded huge branchy wooden horns! Horn! © Guimplen / Adme
  • 2010 year. The guy with whom I just started to meet, a pipe in all pipes about the gift that I prepared. He said several times: "I want to make you a very expensive gift." Gave 3G modem. The thing, of course, useful, but later I learned that the mobile operator gave such modems for free for connecting some service. © Julia Sotnikova / ADME
  • I work on a large private construction company. The owner is a millionaire with Pribabaha. The other day I showed a gift that was going to make a 12-year-old daughter on a birthday. In short, all the children will spring to ride a school on bikes and rollers, and it is on the assembly purple lift. Violet. Lift. Victims of his favorite dadget work. © "overheard" / IDEER
  • Celebrated the anniversary of the wedding. We sat a little in the circle of the family, we were presented with many wonderful gifts. Solded new bed linen, which presented the mother-in-law. I really liked the underwear, it was gorgeous red and from very pleasant fabric. The packaging was opened, but I did not give much, because I thought that the mother-in-law checked the quality. I quickly stuck bed, washed the dishes. The husband went to the night shift, and I lay down on the bed and got out of the time. I woke up in the morning from the incomprehensible itch all over the body, and when I saw the red spots on the skin, I didn't rumbled a little faint. I ran to the doctor, passed the tests - it turned out, allergic to red pepper. I froze the bed at home, and the water is all red. I'm afraid to say my husband about my suspicions, but it seems to have. © "Chamber No. 6" / VK

Bonus: "I blinded beads for March 8. Does anyone know a good notary who can assure a testament? "

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© Osdesign / Pikabu

And what gifts will you remember for a long time?

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