Cauliflower in crisp


Cauliflower lovers, for sure, know many recipes for dishes from this useful vegetable. One of the most delicious options is the inflorescences roasted in the batter. Cabbage in this dish remains juicy, elastic, and the clarity is powdered with a light crispy crust.


For preparation, it is not necessary to use a fryer, a regular pan or a pan with high sideboards is suitable. But it is better to take the dishes of a small diameter, it will reduce oil consumption.
  • Color cabbage - 1 kochan;
  • Egg raw - 2 pcs;
  • Sour cream - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • Flour - 5-6 st. l.;
  • Garlic - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Paprika - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • Black pepper - 1 pinch;
  • Oil for frying - 450 ml.

You can use a frozen cauliflower to be required 1 package weighing 500 g.


Prepare this delicious dish is easy:

  • Disassemble kochan cabbage on medium-sized inflorescences;
  • boil water in a large pan, salt;
  • In salty boiling water to lower the inflorescences if fresh-frozen cabbage is used, it is lowered in boiling water immediately from the package, without defining;
  • Cook for 3 minutes, then drop inflorescences on the sieve to the decoction of the stack;
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  • In a separate dish, beat eggs with the addition of sour cream, add a teaspoon of salt, crushed garlic, add a ground paprika and black pepper, mix a whisk of a whisk;
  • Then gradually pour flour, continuing to stir, the dough should turn out, slightly, than the pancakes;
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  • Stir prepared inflorescences with a cooked klyar;
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  • Pour oil into dishes, warm it almost to boil;
  • Omit in hot oil inflorescences one by one, the inflorescences should float in oil, roasting in deep fryer;
  • Prepare about 4-5 minutes, an appetizing golden crust should be formed on the surface;
  • Ready inflorescences to remove snag, put on a plate shined with paper towels in several layers, this will allow remove excess oil.
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You can serve on a side dish or as an independent dish. Cabbage in Klyar tasty and cold. You can file any sauce - tomato, garlic, cheese, etc.

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