8 things that do not have to give other people's children (their parents will not tell you thanks)


To give gifts to children is more difficult than adults, because it is necessary to please not only addressee, but also his parents. And now you are looking at the baby, it would seem, the most cool toy in the world, his eyes will glow from happiness, and the expressions of his mom and dads are like that they are ready to eat.

Each in the adme.ru at least once was wrong in this important mission - to show a little birthday little birthday. Therefore, we decided to consult with the parents and make a small instruction on what exactly the child cannot be chosen as a gift.

"Watrushka" (tubing)

8 things that do not have to give other people's children (their parents will not tell you thanks) 12017_1
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Skating on soft inflatable "Vatrushkah" was one of the most beloved winter fun, but it is it that is the cause of the most severe injuries. On the descent, the tubing is gaining a speed much higher than ordinary Sanok - about 40 km / h, - and it is practically impossible to manage it. As a result, adults and children are very often getting injuries when riding, especially when bouncing on the bumps. According to traumatologists, in the first place in appeals among the "Books" - a compression fracture of the spine. Not every parent will be happy to give such a gift.

  • Walked with a girlfriend in the park, in the courtyard December, children ride off the hill, New Year's atmosphere. Ksyusha was preparing for a long time that to give my son to the New Year, and I sincerely did not know what to advise her. And then it skewed it: "I will buy him" Vatrushka "!" Fortunately, Ksenia voiced this idea out loud, because I am categorically against such toys. As a result, the son received Lego, everyone is happy.

What to give in return? Experts call the safest roller roller adaptation. Conventional sledges. They can steer and slow down the legs, it is possible to control the direction of movement to avoid a dangerous collision, you can simply fall on the side. When a child rolls from the mountain on the sledes, it takes an anatomically correct pose, this also reduces the likelihood of injury.

Interactive toys

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Kids love interactive toys, gladly click on the buttons, after which the song starts playing. But many parents agree with experts who do not recommend buying such fun to children. Many experts believe that singing animals and speaking dolls inhibit the speech development of the child. In addition, loud sound and constantly repetitive poems and melodies can make out even the best mother in the world.

  • My brother lives in another city, so I saw my daughter already 7 months old. And brought to her as a gift toy synthesizer. The child was delighted, but how I'm tired of listening to the song about Luntik! But fate gave me a chance to revenge: the brother had a son. I have already prepared to buy a drum, but the mercy won the top, so the nephew received a developing border bond.

What to give in return? For a small child up to 2 years old, it is better to take educational games with lacing and liner frames. Another good option is plot toys: a doctor or hairdresser, a doll with a stroller, a suitcase with tools and so on.

Magnetic Ball Designer

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Neokub is a constructor consisting of 216 identical spherical magnets (an alloy of neodymium, iron and boron). Such toys do not give such toys, usually buy them for children over 7 years old. If the family has an even younger child under the age of 3 or a dog, then the neopup becomes very dangerous, because small balls are easy to swallow. One ball of harm will not cause, but if there are more of them, they will be magazine to each other directly in the body swallowed, and this is fraught with very serious damage to the digestive system. Some parents note that the toy is dangerous for older children, because the detail is very strongly attracted to each other, and sometimes to separate them with teeth, and this increases the ability to swallow them. What to give in return? Any high-quality designer suitable by age.


8 things that do not have to give other people's children (their parents will not tell you thanks) 12017_4
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Many children do not perceive clothes as a gift, because it is the matter of essential. Exception is perhaps any special things about which a child dreams, such as a suit of a beloved character. If we are talking about babies, which are still indifferent to gifts, it is still better not to give the costumes and a dress. After all, it is not a fact that you guess with the size and tastes of moms and dads. In addition, you should not deprive the parents of pleasure to choose clothes by Chad.

  • We will give us a mother-in-law for every holiday. On the one hand, it's cool, we are grateful, but on the other - I want to choose clothes yourself at least sometimes. Well, at least sometimes. The son's son has much more than all of us, combined, and if we will further buy what we like, there will be a whole warehouse.

Toys acidic flowers

8 things that do not have to give other people's children (their parents will not tell you thanks) 12017_5
© Gorlissa / Pikabu

Many parents seek to protect children from the toys of unnatural colors. And psychologists support them in this, because the kid with the help of the game will know the world, studies the colors and forms of items. Hares of acid color or kittens with children interfere with the formation of a realistic picture of the world. In addition, in bright shades toys a higher lead content, and this is harmful to the health of the child. What to give in return? A more realistic toy of quiet colors.

Huge toys

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© Anna Denisova / Yandex.Dzen

If you go to a visit to the family that lives in a huge apartment or a spacious cottage, then the giant bear, the chalash, which occupies the chickness, or a huge railway will delight the child and the baby. But most apartments are not the biggest, therefore, most likely, a gift will bring joy only to a child, but the mother and dad will be unhappy, because the present will simply have no place to accommodate.

  • I do not know what such bad I did our nurse: for the new year she gave my daughter a house for which a separate house is needed. On December 31, the husband collected him and painted one of the walls ... And it was not his choice. Also, now for 15 days, as I have no one room, because there lives a cardboard house that daughter flatly refuses to remove. © Anna Denisova / Yandex.Dzen

Soft sides for babies

8 things that do not have to give other people's children (their parents will not tell you thanks) 12017_7
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Charming pads, tied to the walls of the infant bed, look very comfortable and protect the baby from shocks about hard fences. But at the same time they carry a serious danger. Safety worsen ventilation and can cause excessive carbon dioxide in the crib. In addition, in early infancy, the child still does not know how to turn over, so risks bug into the sides of the nose and suffocate. What to give in return? Yes, at least packaging of diapers.


8 things that do not have to give other people's children (their parents will not tell you thanks) 12017_8
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The child may be allergic to the delicious food that you want to give him. Even if there is no allergies, it is possible that it is now the baby must be kept a diet associated with treatment, and here you bring to him a beautiful cake. And the parent has to explain that he will not receive a gift. In general, so-so surprise will be.

  • My, for example, can not chocolate in any form. And several more products from those who are considered generally accepted children's delicacies. And now imagine: you are a child, you give a giant beautiful and clearly delicious thing, right in your hands give you to keep it, look, already mentally unfold. And then dad / mom takes her away from you. © Strmbord / Pikabu
  • Somehow we walked with our one and a half year old twins and met a friend. He so lost his children, which immediately rushed into the nearest store and bought them ... Chupa-Chupa! Which they naturally can not be due to age. And handed the treat right in the hands of the girls. In general, the phrase "just how to select a child's candy" invented the one who never tried to take a candy from the child.

What gifts do you consider unsuccessful for your child? And what, on the contrary, would you like to get?

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