Oncologist Caprin called the categories of patients who do not need to be vaccinated from COVID-19


In the FGBU NMITs Radiology, the Ministry of Health of Russia in a conversation with journalists said that the vaccination of patients with oncological diseases, including those in the remission stage, can be conducted, but only in agreement with the attending physician

Oncologist Caprin called the categories of patients who do not need to be vaccinated from COVID-19 12002_1

The main freelance oncologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia Andrei Kaprin listed the categories of patients who do not need vaccination from Coronavirus COVID-19. The expert explained that such patients need special increased control and careful observation.

Oncologist Caprin called the categories of patients who do not need to be vaccinated from COVID-19 12002_2

The category that does not need vaccinations includes a group of patients who have a cancer in the day before and which special treatment is already spelled out or will be appointed in the very near future. For such patients, it is most importantly important to begin treatment from the underlying disease in order not to miss precious time. Also contraindicated vaccine and patients passing radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Oncological patients who are at the stabilization stage or in the remission process should also receive a consultation of a specialist. - Andrei Caprin, the main freelance oncologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Oncologist Caprin called the categories of patients who do not need to be vaccinated from COVID-19 12002_3

The specialist noted that it is not necessary to independently decide on the need for vaccination, since only a specialist will be able to give professional advice on all issues related to the combination of existing diseases and drugs for vaccination. Oncologist stressed that in no case should the presence of oncological diseases should be hidden.

Oncologist Caprin called the categories of patients who do not need to be vaccinated from COVID-19 12002_4

The expert also reported that the clinical trials of the Russian vaccine against COVID-19 on oncological patients will be held in the next one and a half months.

We will remind, from the instructions for medical use of the Vaccine "Satellite V" it follows that the presence of an oncological disease is not a contraindication for vaccination. However, according to vaccine manufacturers, vaccination of patients with oncological diseases should be carried out under special control and requires close observation. All having an anamnesis of cancer and those who want to vaccinate must agree on all the issues with the attending physician and receive professional advice.

Oncologist Caprin called the categories of patients who do not need to be vaccinated from COVID-19 12002_5

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