Moscow schoolchildren return to full-time learning

Moscow schoolchildren return to full-time learning 12001_1
Photo: RIA Novosti © 2021, Ilya Putaleev

Students of all schools of the capital from Monday return to the usual form of learning.

Students of all classes of metropolitan schools from January 18 are returning to schools and renew training in the usual format. For students from the sixth to eleventh grades, a full-time break was about three months. In classes today will return more than a million students.

Recall the metropolitan schoolchildren from the sixth to eleventh grades sent to distance learning from October 19 due to the deterioration of the epidemiological situation with coronavirus in the capital. Then Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin explained the decision that the children of these age groups are more at risk of infection, rather than young students, and are already enough adults to adapt to learning in remote format. Schoolchildren from the first to the fifth grades continued to study in person. Today they are also returned to the desks after the winter holidays, which were extended for a week.

From Monday, January 18, students' transport maps will be unlocked. They were blocked in autumn so that children and teenagers move less in the city. Pupils of colleges and universities, as well as institutions of additional education and sports schools will remain on vacation or remote training until January 21.

At the same time, all measures developed by Rospotrebnadzor will be valid in the schools in the risk of risk of COVID-19: students at the entrance to school will measure the temperature, schoolchildren streams must be divorced at the outputs from the building and the start time of lessons. All educational institutions have devices with antiseptics for hand processing and bactericidal lamps for air disinfection.

The decision to resume full-time training in schools was announced on Thursday, January 14th. Sobyanin explained it, in particular, in that over the past two weeks, the incidence among children has been halved. Schoolchildren's transport cards blocked in autumn so that children and adolescents are smaller moved around the city, unlock.

Moscow schoolchildren return to full-time learning 12001_2
Full-time learning in schools will be resumed throughout Russia from January 18

Earlier, the head of the minissession, Sergey Kravtsov, said that schools in all regions of Russia will resume full-time classes from Monday. And Sergey Sobyanin said that in the case of identifying at least one case of infection with coronavirus, students in the class will translate it to distance learning.

Moscow schoolchildren return to full-time learning 12001_3
Putin discussed with the Minister of Enlightenment Remote Training Format

Based on the materials: TASS, RIA Novosti.

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