Fine size will depend on the cost of the car? The initiative is put forward


Employees of the traffic control center made a new initiative to create fines whose size will depend on the cost of the vehicle on which the car owner moves.

Fine size will depend on the cost of the car? The initiative is put forward 11984_1
The growth of fines for the violation of traffic rules and the dependence of the final amount from the cost of the car is true or not?

Grow fines for violation of traffic rules

The expert of the Center believes that it is necessary to significantly increase the size of a fine, which citizens have to pay for violation of the rules of the road. In this case, the final amount of payments should depend on the revenues of the owner. Since a fine in size, for example, three thousand rubles for exceeding the speed will be a significant fee for those citizens who earn up to 30 thousand rubles per month, and completely won't feel those who get much more.

Fine size will depend on the cost of the car? The initiative is put forward 11984_2
Unfairly charged the same fine with people whose income varies several times

The experience of other countries is known, where the size of the fine is calculated taking into account the salary of the car owner. However, in our country, this is hardly possible to implement. Justice will not wait. After all, most often on expensive cars in Russia are unemployed. That is why it is more expedient to bind the size of the fine to the market estimate of the value of the machine on which the violator goes.

Denis Lipatkin - expert traffic control center

The purpose of the differential approach to the calculation of fines

According to officials, the formula for calculating fines, taking into account the cost of the cost of the car, will significantly reduce the number of violators on the roads and protect the movement on the carriageway.

Also, experts are confident that to reduce the number of accidents in cities, it is necessary to reduce the threshold of the permitted speed, as well as remove the "unreperable" threshold, that is, to write out the fines even with a minor exceeding. It is also very important to control the moment of "inevitability" of the fine.

Fine size will depend on the cost of the car? The initiative is put forward 11984_3
Often for drivers are not so much the size of a fine, how much is its inevitability

The more expensive the car, the more you have to pay

The higher the cost of the car, the wheel of which will be the offender, the larger the fine it will have to pay. Experts are confident that without such innovations, learn drivers to discipline on the road is impossible. Specialists are confident that to finish the driver of "Zhiguli" and Ferrari for the same violation on the same amount is simply stupid, because the owner of a sports car simply will not notice that fine, which for the owner of the domestic car will be significant.

The presence of a special coefficient that takes into account the cost of the car will allow equalized motorists who have different income levels. That will certainly entail a decrease in road disorders. After all, even the owners of expensive cars will feel fines.

Fine size will depend on the cost of the car? The initiative is put forward 11984_4
The errors of the size of the fine, taking into account the cost of the car, will improve road safety

It is also important to establish cameras on roads with automatic fixation of traffic violations. However, specialists in this issue are jointly with car owners and believe that the cameras are more expedient to put in those areas of the road, where the most accidents occur.

What will be the size of fines

The initiative with the division of fines was supported by many parties and measures of large Russian cities. Already in the near future, if the bill is adopted, fines for violators on expensive machines may increase several times. So, if the cost of the car is more than three million rubles, then it is proposed to double the penalty, if the car costs more than five million rubles - triple.

Fine size will depend on the cost of the car? The initiative is put forward 11984_5
The government has not yet decided exactly how to calculate fines, but already exist for how much options, the consideration of which is planned in the near future

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