Road workers promise to strengthen the work on the elimination of chosel in Minsk. What happens on your street?

Road workers promise to strengthen the work on the elimination of chosel in Minsk. What happens on your street? 11970_1

In the prevailing weather conditions, when there were many temperature differences, as well as severe frosts, potholes on the carriageway this year are formed especially quickly and spontaneously. Compared to the same period 2020, the volume of extinguity formation increased almost three times, and from 2019 - one and a half times, the director of Gorrevtodor Denis Glinsky brought statistics.

"From January 27, the repair of the roadway in the capital is organized around the clock and is produced using cast asphalt mixtures, which can be laid under negative temperature. On average, the disintegration of the coating is eliminated on 25 streets of the city, "the Minsk-News news agency writes. - Since the beginning of the year, 41,667 square meters were repaired in the capital. M Salaptown. Since the beginning of the year, the technicians of the Thalrevtodor technicians issued 62 instructions to eliminate disorders identified in the repair of the roadway in the capital. Repair of inadequate quality is not paid, and the elimination of violations is made at the expense of contractors who performed work. "

"Among the common shortcomings, during the repair of the roadway, there is an inadequate alignment of technical means of organizing traffic in the workplace, incomplete support of personnel by means of individual protection, the late detection and elimination of critical defects, an insufficient amount of rubble, which cover the repaired area for the clutch of vehicles with a carriageway, The irregularity of cards in places of pairing with an existing road surface, the stood in the material. - Road service leaders are tasked to strengthen the work to ensure the safety of movement on them as soon as possible. Eliminate critical puffs must until April 1. "

"Once the average daily temperature exceeds 5 degrees, we will begin to work with conventional hot asphalt concrete mixtures - according to the technology, - previously, Glass declared in an interview. - For this, everything is prepared. Allocated funds for which serious control is. This year we plan to perform a huge amount of work on replacing the asphalt concrete coverage on the street-road network. In each area of ​​work will be performed on 5-10 streets. "

Also, today it became known that this year on the roads of Minsk, in addition to traditional enamels and thermoplasty, use cold plastic and spray plastic to apply markup. According to representatives of the "SMEP Mingor Executive Committee", they are characterized by good visibility in the dark, high wear resistance, resistant to antifungal reagents. Marking on the Minsk streets is entrusted to update up to June 1.

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5 4 3 2 1 Nood. And parents to school

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