Nicknames of participants BTS.


The newcomers are accustomed to name "Benthanov" by name. However, the short-circuited fans of the group remember that BTS participants also have nicknames. No, they are not offended at all, and even partly cute.

Nicknames "Benthanam" were chosen in the process of their creative activity. At the basis of the "second name" of each of the BTS participants, their personal, professional and freelance characteristics are laid.

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So Chongguk is most often called the golden McNe. Such a nickname was given to him because of his ability to behave in childish cute, as well as his numerous talents. Chongguk is sometimes called Baby Bunny. In such a nickname, he was given for similarity with the rabbit. In addition, it is clich by a triple threat, as it dances coolly, sings and reads rap. From standard nicknames - Thicks, cookies ...

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All the nicknames of Techyna, ever data to him fans, are based on his perfect appearance. So they called CGV ("Computer Graphics"), Choco Bun and the Great Gatsby. The last nickname is motivated by the fact that in Tahene, two sides of its appearance and nature are combined: a huge and cold, and there is a huge gap between them. We are playful and nyashny, then serious and cold.

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Chimin during his musical activity earned such nicknames as Motya, Sexy Motya and Duli (small dinosaur from the South Korean cartoon). All these nicknames are explained by the fact that Chimin is very cute and kind. Also, some time ago, Chimina was called the Fairy, as he constantly pleases the gifts of his "brothers".

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Ji-Houpa call Hobi - a diminutive nickname that went from his behalf. Aidola also called Army's Hope and sunlight. The last nickname suits him as it is impossible, because he is very bright and sincere person emitting his inner light on the people around him.

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RM has a permanent nickname - God of destruction (because of his clumsy). He was also called English teacher due to the fact that he is better than the rest of the "Benthanov" speaks in this language; The Child of the Moon - because of his Lunatism.

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Gin has earned a nickname Pink Princess (he loves pink color very much) and they talk about it "all over the world is beautiful."

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Shuga was awarded the deep nickname: for his professional predictions, his name is the Ministry of Defectamus. Also called Min PD.

Well, what of the nickname "Benthanov" did you know? Or maybe you are the author of one of the "second names" of the participants of the BTS?!

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