Why chickens fall to their feet

Why chickens fall to their feet 11966_1

In winter, chickens are most often falling on his feet because of Rahita. The feathers almost do not walk in the sun, so they do not get enough vitamin D. Birds begin to lick, look lethargic, can refuse meals.

Also, chickens fall on their feet due to avitaminosis with unbalanced nutrition. In the summer, they roam the street all day, pulling the grass and are looking for worms. In winter, feathers are deprived of this pleasure. Be sure to give them wet mixes, purchased feed with vitamins and induced germinated grain.

If you feed the birds from the table, I recommend adding any vitamin and mineral complex. They are sold in Metaptec. But do not exceed the dosage.

In winter, the problem often appears after walking in a strong cold, during which birds can frowst the foot. They shine and swell. Immediately put near the feathered heater and scroll their paws with a goose fat. If frostbite is not strong, smoke can still be saved. Do not release birds for a walk if the street is below 10 degrees of frost. Only if the breed is well tolerate frost. And then literally for 5 minutes.

Fellows fall on his feet due to the injury of the paw. Birds can get it if they fall from high seasure or sprinkle on a nail. Check the floor under the litter. It should be smooth, without sharp sherbinok and sticking nails.

Chickens fall on their feet due to diseases: arthritis, cochidocoptosis, gout, reovirus infection. The problem also appears due to osteoporosis, which develops with a lack of calcium. If the chicken falls on his feet and carries soft eggs, adjust the diet and add the chopped egg shell - a natural source of calcium.

Worst of all, if the paws do not hold because of the Marec disease, which affects all birds in the chicken coop. The chickens pale crest, swell joints. Soon they are blind. You have to send the whole chicken coop to slaughter. The exit here is one - do not miss the vaccination of young.

Chickens fall on their feet due to curved fingers. Here you do nothing, because it is a congenital disease.

Do not forget about the prevention. In time, spend vaccination, clean and disinfect the chickenurs. Install the pessengers at a distance of 1 meter from the floor so that the birds do not damage the paws if you fall.

For 1 m2 of the chicken coop of no more than 4 chickens. Purchase can lead to paw injuries. The feathers should have enough space to calmly wander around the chicken coop and not stumble upon each other.

If the birds look sluggish, they looked sharply, almost do not eat and fall on the side, contact the veterinarian. He will definitely determine the cause and prescribe treatment.

Inspect the chickens before calling the veterinarian and diagnose. A friend had a "funny" case, when one chicken fell on his feet, and the reason was rooted in a long thread. She somehow wounded on the paw and prevented a bird to walk.

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