Top 8 best ampel plants


    Good afternoon, my reader. Ampelnaya plants are cultures that are suitable for growing only in containers, because because of their "delicate" building in the open ground, they will simply die. Among this type of plants, 8 most suitable for cultivation in the middle lane of Russia are distinguished.

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    Top 8 best ampel plants Maria Verbilkova

    The most common appearance of ampel plants. The plant is capable of becoming even in open soil and relatively undemandingly to the composition of the soil. It prefers well-lit plots and needs abundant irrigation. The most common varieties include Fortune, Copter and Surfinia. The latter is characterized by a rapid germination and high resistance to bad weather conditions, the reproduction is possible only by drawing.

    The plant is characterized by a variety of colors and flowers forms, can have the following types of buds:

    • terry;
    • simple;
    • In the form of a star.

    The thyroid and plush cultural representatives are widely used to provide vertical landscaping. For plant growth, I use mostly looglial soil, has resistant to sharp temperature drops, but dies at the very first frost.

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    Top 8 best ampel plants Maria Verbilkova

    The plant needs regular feeding with comprehensive fertilizers. From the frequent use of composures containing nitrogen, it is better to abandon how the number of floweros is reduced.

    Ampelnik, whose flowering period falls on the summer season. Blossom abundant and bright, because buds can have white, pink, lilac or blue color. The plant is characterized by the presence of high care requirements, especially during the cultivation of seedlings. Seed seeds are recommended in early March into small containers with well-moistened fertile land. The containers are covered with the film and remain in this form until germination, stored in a well-lit room with an air temperature around 18-19 ° C. Further, the plant is found in pots or in the open soil, on the shaded areas of the garden.

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    Top 8 best ampel plants Maria Verbilkova

    The plant has a number of positive sides:

    • abundant and long flowering;
    • high resistance to temperature differences;
    • unparalleled in care;
    • Fast germination.
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    Top 8 best ampel plants Maria Verbilkova

    Verbena refers to herbal vegetation and has quite long branches, they can reach 50 cm, due to which the extensive area of ​​the garden is quickly covered. The plant applies to perennials, so in the winter it can be entered into the house, and in the spring it is back to the street.

    Begonia is very popular among landscape designers, since asymmetric foliage and abundant bloom allow culture to become a real decoration for any garden. It can be grown both in suspended containers and in open soil.

    The relatively new plant for cultivation in the middle lane of Russia is an ornament for any vertical surfaces - hedges, fences, facades of houses. The plant does not need special care and is characterized by high resistance to various diseases and malicious bacteria. Among the most common varieties, a silver waterfall can be distinguished, which has a silvery foliage and is grown on well-covered areas.

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    Top 8 best ampel plants Maria Verbilkova

    Fuchsia has abundant blossoms, rapid growth and rather unpretentious in care, due to which it is rapidly gaining popularity among gardeners. The plant is recommended to plant on a plot protected from the direct sun, the earthen comment is constantly obliged in a moistened state. Watering is combined with spraying, and old branches are cut regularly. Once in 14 days the plant is fed by complex fertilizers.

    The natural habitats of the plant are the Canary Islands and the central regions of Africa. Culture has flexible shoots whose length is about 0.5 m. Blossom - abundant, color - pink, blue or white. The plant moves well to heat, but does not tolerate excessive moisture.

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    Top 8 best ampel plants Maria Verbilkova

    Regardless of which of the presented plants will choose a gardener, he will be able to give his garden a highlight and decorate it with all sorts of ways. Ampel plants are unpretentious in care and quite beautiful, which makes them a practically mandatory element of any garden.

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