Deputies elected a new Chairman of the Capture


At an extraordinary plenary meeting, deputies secretly, the voting was determined by the new Chairman of the Cusolution of the Kirov region. Most votes were received by the Director of Human Resources and the Security Plant Gennady Konovalov.

At the meeting, three candidates were launched. "United Russia" proposed Gennady Konovalov, LDPR - Vladimir Kostina, Communist Party of the Russian Federation - Sergey Mamaeva.

Governor Igor Vasilyev spoke in support of Gennady Konovalov.

- Historically, the Kirov region is an industrial region, and the industry for us was, there is a locomotive of economic development. Economic and socio-political stability depends on the development of industrial enterprises, he stressed.

The head of the region noted that Gennady Konovalov is an experienced and effective managers, and its election will transfer the interaction of the authorities to a higher level.

Deputy, Financial Director of the Omutnin Metallurgical Plant Alexander Utkin also spoke in favor of Konovalov's candidacy. He noticed that Gennady Valerevich is an "highly professional, authoritative person, which has the necessary personal qualities, experience and knowledge.

The deputy from the Communist Party of the Communist Party of Alexander Karimullin considers Sergey Mamaev's candidate as the most prepared candidate. According to her, he has a vast experience, he was the head of the Soviet district, the deputy chairman of the OGSC, a deputy of the State Duma.

Deputies elected a new Chairman of the Capture 11949_1
Deputies elected a new Chairman of the Capture

Followed by the word candidates. Sergey Mamaev began a performance with the fact that the political crisis is now in the Kirov region, the executive body interferes with the work of deputies.

- Now there is a division of political parties and individual deputies on their own and strangers. We should not do that, since we have chosen the people. We must report to the people and solve its problems. But, unfortunately, these questions are not always solved in the walls of the Legislative Assembly. There is a certain pressure on deputies, especially from United Russia, they cannot express their point of view and actively click on the buttons taking into account those issues that the executive authority puts.

The deputy also reminded the "Rider Capture" of the Motherland Sport Complex. He believes that it is impossible to elect Gennady Konovalov, who holds the position of director of personnel management and the Lepse plant. Konovalov answered these accusations. According to him, Rider Capture is a seizure of someone else's property to which the plant "Lepse" has nothing to do. And the dispute between the plant and the Ministry of Health "Motherland" is solved in court.

Vladimir Kostin noticed that the legislature should solve the problems of the region within the framework of competence and do it as much as possible.

- For this you need more cohesion. Smaller argue and work on the result. Whoever headed the screaming, what I said above should be headed, and the chairman must ask the vector of development, he said.

In total, 48 deputies participated in secret voting. For Gennady Konovalov, 31 people voted, for Vladimir Kostina - 12, for Sergey Mamaev - 2. Three more bulletins were spoiled and invalid.

Gennady Konovalov thanked the deputies and the governor for confidence. He noticed that the time of work of the sixth convocation of the OGSC is limited to several months, so it is necessary to make it easier and consistently solving the tasks. According to him, in the coming days an analysis of the work of applications will be carried out, tasks and problems are determined, and the necessary adjustments are made. Konovalov called on deputies to work at the plenary session "Constructively, in the case and principal" and not to use the hall for agitation and other work.

Photo: OZSC

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