Women and young people reached on the stock exchange


Women and young people reached on the stock exchange 1194_1

Investing.com - Exchange boom in Russia continues, and here we keep up with the rest of the world. This is evidenced by not only an increase in the number of brokerage accounts, but also a change in the gender and age composition of clients of brokers.

Moscow Exchange (MCX: MOEX) reported on Thursday that in February the number of individuals with brokerage accounts increased by a record 883.4 thousand people and reached 10.3 million.

"In February 2021, the activity of private investors on the stock exchange was also maximum: the transaction was made by 1.6 million people compared to 448 thousand people in February last year," the message notes on the site of the trading platform.

At the St. Petersburg Exchange on February 28, 9.04 million client accounts were registered, admitted to trading, which is 10% more than a month earlier.

"At the end of February, the number of active accounts increased by 11.3% compared with January and amounted to 769.41 thousand, - ascertained in St. Petersburg.

The growth of the number of customers goes in parallel with their rejuvenation, writes Kommersant, who conducted a survey of large brokers working in the stock market.

Vladimir Potapov, Chief Executive Director of VTB Capital Investments, told the publishing that the share of customers under the age of 25 in 2020 increased from 6% to 7%, and at the age of 25-35 - from 20% to 24%.

And about. Directors of the Sberbank Global Markets Department (MCX: Sber) Vladimir Yarova said that the "average" client over the past year was grinding from 36.4 to 34.8 years. The age of the largest group of men investors is in Sberbank from 18 to 33 years old, and for the year their number has increased 2.5 times.

The private investor Tinkoff Investments on average has become younger for a year, reaching 34 years. Most - 70% of customers - aged 18 to 38 years, while the share of very young "physicists" (from 18 to 28 years) is 27%.

In addition, brokers fix the growth of interest in stock activities in women.

In "VTB Capital Investments", their share increased by 1 pp. And is now 36%, in the "opening of a broker" - an increase of 1 pp. P., Up to 27.1%; In Frida Finance, women have become more almost 10%; In Sberbank - by 18%, while they constitute almost half of the clients - 48%; In Tinkoff Investments - the number of women clients has doubled and reached 31%.

Despite the "rejuvenation" of clients of brokers, most of them adhere to a rather conservative strategy "bought and kept", and the average portfolio remains balanced, the "Kommersant" notes.

Text prepared Alexander Schnitnova

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