Grodno Electromobile Startup Bantgo received the first prototypes and full of bold plans

Grodno Electromobile Startup Bantgo received the first prototypes and full of bold plans 11937_1
Grodno Electromobile Startup Bantgo received the first prototypes and full of bold plans 11937_2
Grodno Electromobile Startup Bantgo received the first prototypes and full of bold plans 11937_3

Grodno startup Bantgo, who has already received the first prototypes of small electric vehicles, plans to start a mini-car rental service in Belarus for utilities and delivery operators.

According to the "Green Portal", a double mini-electrocamp on 12-inch wheels - a budget model, so without delights. At the same time, the cabin has air conditioning and heater, there is a parking sensor and a multimedia system with a touch screen. The car is charging from the usual power outlet by 220 volts.

This model is a prototype, collected in Minsk in a single copy. It is this machine that will participate in the pilot project Bantgo for food delivery. Startup participants are developing an IT platform for renting electric vehicles. In the future, the application will be able to use not only delivery services, but also other city services. Several Grodno Pizzeria agreed to participate in the test.

Cam Founder Startup Sergey Zhiltsov In the coming months, it is preparing to work in the delivery of Pizza: it wants not only to check the machine, but also to understand the needs of potential IT applications.

Initially, the idea of ​​the Grodno startup was to convert cars with gasoline and diesel engines into electric vehicles. They planned that in the future a hundred will be able to buy a franchise and independently install such kits to everyone. But after August, there were difficulties with financing.

While the project with large machines is waiting for implementation, the startup reoriented to mini-transport. Electric chairs want to lease to private business and city services, combining a service with a mobile application of their own development. The ultimate goal is to remove utility and commercial cars from the city streets at fossil fuel.

The idea of ​​the author's application is simple: in the morning they pressed the button on the smartphone - to dinner, you already have a car for a period of one month to three years. If the car fails, it is replaced with another. The rental price includes insurance, inspection, maintenance and repair. Also, on request, you can get several batteries

The manufacturer of compact electric vehicles found in Minsk. Electromashinka Sidus A01 is not the original Belarusian development, but one of the many variants produced by the Chinese industry, assembled in Minsk. In the future plan localization.

Developers offer cooperation not only to private businesses, but also to the state. The response was received from the Brest City Executive Committee, and now they are waiting for the test drive of the mayor Grodno.

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