Vladimir turned into one solid rink

Vladimir turned into one solid rink 11917_1

After prolonged frosts in Vladimir came a thaw. Today, it was raining for citizens with a surprise, as a result of which all sidewalks, stairs, the descents were covered with an ice crust. Pedestrians became almost impossible to move through the streets, and motorists and drivers of trolley buses will be touched on small "slides". S sandy mixture passes are not swept away.

Video: overheard in Vladimir

Transport collapse again Nastig Vladimir. Already more than the traditional "red" plug in the South and Moscow highway. The microdistrict is good again paralyzed, also judging by the map, the entire center started in the "yellow" traffic jams.

PHOTO: Yandex. Probs are relevant on

Vladimir residents wait for buses at least one hour, and then in them stand in traffic jams. At the same time, 50 people were collected at some stops. When the right bus arrives, getting into it very problematic. The sidewalks are slippery, and not cleared drifts near the grooves narrow the passage to transport.

Photo: Provadimir

- what is happening on the roads, it was after the first snow, it's a horror when he fell, cleaned right away, because then the frost went and everything that did not have time to be considered turned into buses, through which the buses still go, and the first Snowfall has been for a long time. Then the bus rolled the wheels the roadway from the sidewalks, there just goled, people fall, even if you go very slowly! And thirdly - really clean the roadway, and all this falls on the sidewalks, forming a bunch, then it is impossible to approach the bus, "the local resident of Victoria complained.

- Sense from them (buses - ed.) If crowded, people, both standing at stops and stand. There is even nowhere to make it, "Vitally noted.

"Every morning in Yuryevz, we're waiting for the bus towards energy, for 20-30 minutes of waiting towards Piganovo drives from seven to nine buses," Alexey citizen says.

Photo: overheard in Vladimir

Earlier, the City Hall was reported that the hotline was operating in the urban ukkuh, which can be complained of the quality of cleaning of the territories of the MCD managers. Her phone: 53-26-30 s to on working days.

On the cleaning of the city of Vladimir, you can call in the "City Roads Management Center" by phone: 47-90-94 (from to) or mobile 24-hour telephone: 8-960-721-49-49, as well as in a single city duty-dispatch Service by phone 05 daily, around the clock.

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