Epic Games does not calm down and goes to European courts against Apple


And again we look at the way toad and viper argue among themselves. Epic Games Publisher continues to fight Apple for a sunny and profitable place on the apple platform. But I somehow do not want to pay everything, and Apple does not want to leave the opportunity to use your platform for free.

As a result, Epic Games already went to the antimonopolyers of the European Union, stating that Apple very well uses his ecosystem, a 30% tax on each transaction. In general, new songs about the old continue. Apple creates smartphones, platform, gives its conditions to which everyone agrees. And then everyone stops to be agreed when they scored weight, name and a lot of money from the Apple platform. And now it turned out that the apple company dishonestly uses himself.

Epic Games does not calm down and goes to European courts against Apple 11912_1
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In general, this step is Epic Games - very important. He does not simply continue the already well-tightened judicial battles, but also transfers them to a new territory and jurisdiction. And in Europe, time impertons to technological companies from the United States are more rigid. Europe has other standards in antitrust laws that differ significantly from those in the United States. And the European authorities pay much more attention to all such complaints, and companies against which are made claims are checked so carefully that it even becomes a little scary. Yes, the complaint itself is confidential, but the investigation has already begun against Apple.

The head of Epic Games Tim Suiney said that Apple's work methods are very harmful to both developers and ordinary consumers. Because here are consumers have the right to choose from where they want to install applications on their smartphone. And developers have the full right to compete on an absolutely honest market.

And then it is difficult to argue. Because users want to use sources in their choice? You buy an iPhone and you have an app Store in your disposal. You buy an Android device - Google Play in your disposal. I want to buy in some left and no one unknown store, then welcome to unnamed brand with your applications.

And competition in Apple ecosystem is quite simple and understandable. Everyone pays 30% commission, earn a lot of money and are all satisfied.

But here in September, the EPIC had other plans and therefore the possibility of payment without Apple Pay appeared in Fortnite. To which Apple sharply pointed out the rules violation and covered the bench. And the greedy guys from Epic Games (which sometimes bend the stick) offended and went to court.

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