Puffs on kefir - lush and air. Recipe with semolina

Puffs on kefir - lush and air. Recipe with Domadeal Channel

I used to have a problem to prepare normal pancakes in kefir. Now I am preparing lush fritters in kefir without problems, knowing that this recipe will never let me down! The secret of the pancakes was simple!

What only I did not use the recipes from the edge, and the result was always the same: the dough did not propk and it was like rubber, the pancakes became cakes and fell out of anything.

For myself, I brought the perfect to the impossibility of a simple chief recipe on the kefir, the chief of which is the addition of Manka. As it turned out, in preparation, it would seem, simple pancakes have many details on which you need to pay attention.

Pancakes on kefir with semi

For pancakes with a semit, you will prepare the following ingredients:

  • Kefir Warm Room Temperature 1 Glass (any fatness)
  • Chicken egg 1 pc
  • Salt 1 pinch
  • Sugar 1 tablespoon
  • Manka and flour in / s in the same quantities
  • Soda 0.5 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil 2 tablespoons in the dough
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Immediately make a reservation: I do not point in the recipe exact number of manus and flour for one simple reason. Fatty and consistency of kefir are all different! Most recently, I got 2% kefir density as sour cream, naturally, mankey and flour in this case will leave less than when using 1% liquid kefir.

Mandatory conditions, kefir for olds must be warm (it can be slightly warm up to 30 degrees), or get it in advance from the refrigerator so that it is at least reaching room temperature.

Puffs on kefir - lush and air. Recipe with semolina 11891_2
Puffs on kefir - lush and air. Recipe with Domadeal Channel

In a warm kefir, we break 1 egg, add salt, sugar, vegetable oil. Connect a wedge.

Puffs on kefir - lush and air. Recipe with semolina 11891_3
Puffs on kefir - lush and air. Recipe with Domadeal Channel

Next, alternating 1 tablespoon, fill with flour and semolina, thereby turns out the same amount of flour and mankey. In the process of adding flour, do not forget to add soda!

We get pretty thick, but fluid dough.

Puffs on kefir - lush and air. Recipe with semolina 11891_4
Puffs on kefir - lush and air. Recipe with Domadeal Channel

We leave the dough alone by 40-60 minutes at room temperature for recreation and to respond to soda with kefir.

Heat the frying pan with vegetable oil.

On the hot oil, fry pancakes on kefir with a semitter from two sides to a golden crust. In the process of frying, we cover the frying pan without the end with a lid (in my case it is the Kazanchik) so that the pancakes from the inside were protected well.

Puffs on kefir - lush and air. Recipe with semolina 11891_5
Puffs on kefir - lush and air. Recipe with Domadeal Channel

As needed, pour vegetable oil.

Hot pancakes shoots on paper towels to get rid of excess fat.

Puffs on kefir - lush and air. Recipe with semolina 11891_6
Puffs on kefir - lush and air. Recipe with Domadeal Channel

Bon Appetit! Apply pancakes with sour cream, jam or honey.

Puffs on kefir - lush and air. Recipe with semolina 11891_7
Puffs on kefir - lush and air. Recipe with Domadeal Channel

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Pancakes in kefir - step-by-step recipe

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