Victims of plastics: 10+ stars whose plastic changed beyond recognition

Victims of plastics: 10+ stars whose plastic changed beyond recognition 11884_1

In the unequal battle of beauty and age, the latter wins the latter. As if we did not want to, but with age we are not good and not becoming more painful. Wrinkles, flabby skin, bruises under the eyes - all this suggests that the age takes the top. And no miraculous creams, lotions and other cosmetic emulsions are not able to return to the soul beauty to the face.

Although there is another option, but it is for those who have a round amount in the wallet. This is, of course, plastic surgery. In the weather for beauty, many celebrities are not afraid to lie down under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Although sometimes, looking at the result, I want to say that they would be better not done.

Today in the journal we will also present to your attention 10+ stars, whose faces have strongly changed plastic

And more often not for the better, staring the past attractive balances.

Demmy Moor
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The other day, the 58-year-old actress Demi Moore took part in the fashion show by FENDI Spring-2021. The appearance of the Hollywood actress on the stage caused a shock of the viewer. She went to the podium in a spectacular suit with a v-neckline. Its image added long earrings. But the eyes of the public fell rather to appearance of the actress. Unnatural cheekbones and distorted contour lips issued an actress. Although it will still be hoped that it could have been just a make-up imposed specifically for the defile, which is unlikely. Most likely it is simply the result of nonideal plastic faces.

Kim Kardashian
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The famous secular lioness and the Star of the Realistic Show "The Kardashian family" became famous not so much with his ideal features of the face, like magnificent forms, and to be more accurate with its fifth point. Yes, Kim passed the procedure of rhinoplasty, having changed his nose, corrected the oval of the face and, of course, increased the chest. But this is nothing, compared with gluttelasty, plastic surgery for the correction of the shape and size of the berry. It is thanks to its magnificent buttocks, Kim became the famous world star.

Rene Zellweger
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Actress Rene Zellweger, known for his role in the film "Diary Bridget Jones", became a favorite of millions thanks to his extraordinary appearance. But what I liked the audience, did not satisfy the actress at all. She did not like her narrow eyes and thick cheeks. Therefore, it decided on cardinal changes with the help of plastics. Interestingly, the actress does not deny the actress that plastic surgeons put her hand to her face. Star claims that this is all "age-related changes."

Donatella Versach
Victims of plastics: 10+ stars whose plastic changed beyond recognition 11884_5

The legend of Italian fashion Donatella Versace can be bolded to call the very victim of plastic surgery. Information on how much operations actually moved the star is not known. But looking at the face of Versace, we can safely say that a lot. But some other than 20 years ago she was a cheerful blonde with and without plastic lush lips and smooth skin. And now there is no trace from her former natural beauty.

Megan Fox
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And without that beauty Megan Fox apparently decided that there was no limit to perfection, and did his cheekbones, correct the nose and increased his lips. In general, surgeons tried to glory, because they managed to preserve the natural beauty of the girl with minimal losses and a blow to beauty.

Mary Kate Olsen
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And if earlier the sisters were similar as two drops of water, now after Mary Kate was fascinated by its own transformation with the help of plastics, there can be a difference between girls. This is a cut of the eyes, and oval faces, and enlarged lips. What did not like the girl before, it is not clear. The actress refrains from comment.

Jacqueline Stallone
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The mother of the famous and once enviable handsome man of Sylvester Stallone Jacqueline would have a worthy competition by Donatelle Versace in the number of plastic operations made. Even the plastic surgeons themselves are confident that the woman already for his 90 years old became a record holder in terms of plastic reincarnations, "overlapping" its appearance beyond recognition in a desire to not give up for years. Jacqueline died in September 2020, but she was engaged in the gym until the latter, trying to be not only beautiful, but also in shape.

Zi FaameLu.
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Ukrainian singer-transgender Zi Faamelu, who had previously been known as Zineja, and even earlier, as Boris April, transferred not one plastic surgery on his way to the female image. Today, in this pretty face, you can hardly see the male features of the face.

Mickey Rourke
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Envious fiance and pets of millions of spectators Actor Mickey Rourk decided that he could with the help of plastics and then remain sexual and attractive in the eyes of the women's audience. But years still took their own. And plastic only worsened the situation. Now, looking at the actor's face, it may seem that he drinks without rich.

Scarlett Johansson
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Hollywood actress never hid, that at the beginning of his star career she lay down under the surgeon's knife. Thanks to rhinoplasty, the actress gained the nose of his dreams. Well, at least she seems so.

Melanie Griffith
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For 63 years, the American actress has repeatedly turned out to be on the table at the plastic surgeon. Nose, lips, cheekbones - set of standard changes. The result is on the face!

And how do you feel about plastic surgery? Would you solve the transformation of your appearance?

Earlier in the magazine, we also wrote: if a girl, then Nazova London: Paris Hilton is going to become a mom

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