A teenage girl from the cerm valve starred in the show "Pregnant in 16"

A teenage girl from the cerm valve starred in the show

Romantic relationship of the girl and her father's child developed under the roof of the house.

Young resident of the village under Novosibirsk joined the list of participants in the project "Pregnant in 16". As it is clear from the name, the show tells the stories of juvenile girls who have given the difficulties of teenage pregnancy.

One of the heroines of the TV program was Alena P. from crimnanovka. In the Siberian Quena, posted on the UU site, it is noted that the girl grew in a prosperous family. Parents were so supported by Alain that they allowed her to meet with a guy a few years older than her, and then even let him live in their home. True, with one condition - the young people should have spent the night.

19-year-old Sasha conquered a family of Alena's story about a serious past: the guy since childhood lived unattended by his parents. Two years of Alain and Sasha held in love and harmony until he demonstrated the dark side of his "I".

"Sasha began to control the girl and arrange scandals for no reason. Alena put a point in a relationship, but one jointly spent night after the break turned over the head on his head ... "- reports" Yu ".

According to the girl itself, the difficulty in relations with the guy she was forced to hide - he was blackmail her intimate photos.

"He took me on the video of the empty. Said: "Or I show it all, or you are silent," recalls Alena. Judging by the profile of the girl in Instagram, now it is not married, but among her hobbies - motherhood, proper nutrition and sport.

After the announced announcement of the coming season "Pregnant in 16" appeared in social networks, fellow villagers learned the girl and told the details of her personal life.

"She, by the way, excellent mom. And the way she with her child drawn, many of your children did not dream, "says another resident of Crimodan.

However, they were also those whom the fate of Alena left indifferent.

"Enough to advertise early motherhood!", "Love from our sin to make a feat ... and still" grandmother "to stumble ...", "We would have to show it better," the network users write.

The new season "Pregnant in 16" starts at the "Yu" on March 3. In which Alena will take part, until it is revealed.

Earlier, a model from Novosibirsk Elmira Abdrazakov got into blue screens. The girl passed the casting on the show "The Last Hero" and went to the uninhabited island to demonstrate their survival skills, but only four episodes were laid. The cause of her care was health problems.

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